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LQAS usefulness in an emergency department

Susana Granado de la Orden, Cristina Rodríguez‐Rieiro, Amaya Sánchez‐Gómez, Ana Chacón García, Tomás Hernández‐Fernández, Ángel Abad Revilla, Dolores Vigil Escribano, Paz Rodríguez Pérez

International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance

ISSN: 0952-6862

Article publication date: 18 July 2008




This paper aims to explore lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS) applicability and usefulness in the evaluation of quality indicators in a hospital emergency department (ED) and to determine the degree of compliance with quality standards according to this sampling method.


Descriptive observational research in the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (HGUGM) emergency department (ED). Patients older than 15 years, diagnosed with dyspnoea, chest pain, urinary tract colic or bronchial asthma attending the HGUGM ED from December 2005 to May 2006, and patients admitted during 2005 with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or acute meningitis were included in the study. Sample sizes were calculated using LQAS. Different quality indicators, one for each process, were selected. The upper (acceptable quality level (AQL)) and lower thresholds (rejectable quality level (RQL)) were established considering risk α=5 per cent and β=20 per cent, and the minimum number of observations required was calculated.


It was impossible to reach the necessary sample size for bronchial asthma and urinary tract colic patients. For chest pain, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and acute meningitis, quality problems were detected. The lot was accepted only for the dyspnoea indicator.


The usefulness of LQAS to detect quality problems in the management of health processes in one hospital's ED. The LQAS could complement traditional sampling methods.



Granado de la Orden, S., Rodríguez‐Rieiro, C., Sánchez‐Gómez, A., Chacón García, A., Hernández‐Fernández, T., Abad Revilla, Á., Vigil Escribano, D. and Rodríguez Pérez, P. (2008), "LQAS usefulness in an emergency department", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 495-502.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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