Future Libraries: Science and Technology, A Report on “Shaping Things to Come:” DASER III and Eighth Quadrennial Tri‐Society Symposium
To share information and insights from the 2006 Digital Archives in Science and Engineering Resources (DASER) and American Society for information Science and Technology Conferences.
The article is a description of the main highlights.
Institutional and professional challenges face libraries and librarians as they consider a more electronic environment both as the preference of users and due to the new availability of resources that are consistently being released that way. How to create space for new academic functions and student needs is a primary goal at many institutions. Many ideas were floated about ways that is being done at large research universities.
The informal nature of the DASER Summit lent to much collegiality and sharing of information and could have extended a lot longer if time allowed.
O’Connor, P. (2007), "Future Libraries: Science and Technology, A Report on “Shaping Things to Come:” DASER III and Eighth Quadrennial Tri‐Society Symposium", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 9-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/07419050710745460
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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