Mann, C.J.H. (2008), "Nonplussed! Mathematical Proof of Implausible Ideas", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 No. 7, pp. 1072-1074.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
The title in itself is intriguing and the author has collected together under one cover a range of problems that do indeed leave us “nonplussed”. Those that spend their working lives avoiding mathematics by approaching their problems in all sorts of different ways will benefit from looking at this text, even if it involves following through but one single problem and its mathematical solution.
The author has structured his book around 14 chapters with many depending on probability and statistics and the others that are based on various other areas. An example of the type of problem tackled is given by consideration of the following typical examples:
[…] when a losing sports team can become a winning one by adding worse players or when cones can be rolled unaided uphill.
Julian Havil also discusses solutions for such problems as the Buffon's needle problem and the birthday problem. The author also backs up his cases by providing a scenario that includes both the history of the problem as well as those who are involved with it.
One reviewer describes it as a “fun book” and one that will genuinely stimulate an interest in mathematical thought.
Data warehousing and mining titles
IGI Global has recently released a six volume set that covers aspects of data warehousing and mining which includes concepts, methodolologies, tools and applications in this field. This is an area that is of increasing interest to readers of this journal who may not be able to purchase the set but may wish to reference it through an online access only facility purchased by an organisation or institution. The references given are:
Data Warehousing and Mining – Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
John Wang (Montclair State University, USA)
ICI Global
April 2008
Prices: book/online working – contact – e‐mail: cust@igi‐; web site: www.igi‐
3962 pp. (total of six volumes)
ISBN 978‐1‐59904‐951.
Data Mining Patterns: New Methods and Applications
Pascal Poncelet, Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France, Florent Masseglia, Project AxI5 – Inria, France and Maguelonne Teisseire, Universite Montpeller, France
IGI Global
US$180.00 (online access only US$132.00 – with conditions)
323 pp. (hardcover)
ISBN 978‐1‐59904‐162‐9.
Emerging Technologies of Text Mining – Techniques and Applications
Hercules Antonia do Prado and Edilson Ferneda, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
IGI Global
US$ 180.00 (access only online: US$132.00 – with conditions)
367 pp. (hardcover)
ISBN 978‐1‐59904‐373‐9.