Global warming and its astro‐causes
Looks at the problem of global warming from the viewpoint of wholeness. That is, the problem of global warming will be looked at in a comprehensive study considering several aspects of the cosmos, the Earth, and the phenomenon of life. With such a broad understanding in mind, first analyzes both the disadvantageous and advantageous aspects of the current global warming. Second, compares three typical environmental conditions in which humans have lived. Third, employing the concept of global warming, looks at the myth of how ancient civilizations appeared and disappeared. Then, considering our Earth system as an open system travelling in the universe, provides an explanation for the current global warming and for global climate changes. It is expected that the explanation presented can be applied to produce long‐term predictions for climate changes.
Ren, Z. and Lin, Y. (2001), "Global warming and its astro‐causes", Kybernetes, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 411-433.
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