Ethical issues in insurance marketing in the UK
Concern about ethical practices in the marketing of financial services has increased in recent years, despite an apparent strengthening of the regulatory framework. In part the ethical problems associated with the promotion and distribution of financial services may be attributable to specific features of the market such as asymmetric information. From the consumers’ perspective, there is a range of anecdotal evidence concerning ethical problems in the marketing of financial services in general and insurance products in particular. Information concerning the industry perspective on these issues is limited. Presents evidence of the extent to which ethical problems in marketing are identified by those in the industry and the extent to which the views of marketing staff differ from those of non‐marketing staff.
Diacon, S.R. and Ennew, C.T. (1996), "Ethical issues in insurance marketing in the UK", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 67-80.
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