Market orientation in Nordic banks: does nationality matter?
Neither market orientation nor the possible link to performance is easily achieved and in various countries companies may organize differently to cope with the information‐processing and customer‐responding challenges. Nationwide surveys in banks in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden indicate that a path to performance involves innovations such as “supported empowerment” though there are differences in the antecedents of market orientation. Thus the most distinct Scandinavian ways to improvements may be found in Sweden. Especially Swedish banks and to a lesser extent Finnish banks are upfront in their use of “the technology of customer‐focusing”. Nevertheless, the overall analyses based on rigorous structural equation modeling lead to the estimation of a model reflecting causal relationships which seem to be independent of nationality.
Flohr Nielsen, J., Høst, V., Jaensson, J., Kock, S. and Selnes, F. (2003), "Market orientation in Nordic banks: does nationality matter?", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 11/12, pp. 1818-1841.
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