Organisational and managerial drivers of effective export sales organisations: An empirical investigation
In response to certain important gaps in the international marketing literature, an attempt is made to investigate the profile characteristics of highly effective export sales organisations and how they are differentiated from other export units with respect to key sales management aspects. Following a review of the pertinent literature, certain organisational elements and managerial factors were identified as potentially important discriminators between high‐ and low‐effectiveness of export sales units. The study findings indicate that compared to poorly performing export units, highly effective export sales organisations are characterised by higher levels of export sales management control and organisation design. They also have export managers demonstrating superior behavioural attributes, such as export sales planning, presentation, adaptive selling, sales support, and technical knowledge; and distinctive characteristics such as professional competence and customer orientation. The implications of the study findings for business practitioners are highlighted and future research streams suggested.
Katsikea, E.S. and Skarmeas, D.A. (2003), "Organisational and managerial drivers of effective export sales organisations: An empirical investigation", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 11/12, pp. 1723-1745.
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