Delaying the inevitable? The effects of “time to think” on responses to innovative concepts
Whereas there is general satisfaction with straightforward picture‐board techniques for testing me‐too and brand extension product concepts, there is a widely held belief that such techniques are inadequate in accurately gauging the appeal of truly innovative concepts. “Living with the concept” is an alternative method which requires participants to keep material describing the concept at home for a period of time. During this time they are asked to think about the concept. At the end of the fixed period participants record their attitudes and likely purchase intention for the concept. Although this method is considerably more costly and time consuming, it continues to grow in popularity, supported by the lay‐beliefs that “time to think” affects participants’ responses to the concept and makes such responses more predictive of marketplace success. Reports on an empirical study that provides a controlled test of the first of these beliefs. States that results showed that time per se had no effect on responses, but argues that more systematic “thought‐related” exercises within concept tests may lead to better prediction of marketplace success for innovative products.
Morris, L., Abrams, D., Randsley de Moura, G. and Durlach, P. (2003), "Delaying the inevitable? The effects of “time to think” on responses to innovative concepts", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 10, pp. 1440-1456.
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