Freeman, M. (2003), "Seven Metaphors on Management: Tools for Managers in the Arab World", New Library World, Vol. 104 No. 10, pp. 444-444.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
This is a clear, well structured and timely book on management skills and styles, with a strong flavour of the Gulf and the Arab world enhancing its value and interest. The author uses seven cleverly chosen metaphors, i.e. the iceberg, the tripod, the transit lounge, the mosaic, the helicopter and the bridge to provide thoughtful insights and illumination of the themes of the book. Enlivened by witty and apposite quotations this is a very useful and readable little book for librarians aspiring towards management responsibilities. The multicultural aspect of Muna’s work is well covered, with good, acute observations, e.g. in the Transit Lounge chapter she puts forward some excellent and perceptive ideas and observations regarding me employment of expatriates – not least their tendency to cling together and form “cliques”. There are good observations on mentoring and role models, illuminated by many examples and wry comments, such as quoting management guru Charles Handy on giving early responsibility: “… it is dangerous, it seems, to make life too comfortable for one’s young”. The author has some interesting things to say about measuring competencies: using the iceberg analogy to gauge skills, knowledge and attitudes.
This is a useful and well written book teaching us not just how to be a good, effective manager but also how to grow in our personal lives and the perspective and wisdom from an Arab viewpoint in a globalised world is valuable and exciting.