Through the PULMAN glass: looking at the future of libraries in Europe
This article provides information about the Public Libraries Mobilising Advanced Networks (PULMAN) project, funded under the European Commission Information Society Technologies programme. As the project is carried out in the framework of the e‐Europe action plan, the e‐Europe strategy is outlined. Background information is included about the history of the project and about the PULMAN network. The main results to date include the PULMAN guidelines, which are being reviewed throughout the remaining period of the project, the gateway to distance learning courses for the library, museum and archives sector, and training workshops. The role of EBLIDA as an important partner in the PULMAN project is discussed. This article concludes that public libraries play a crucial role in ensuring a literate information society. The outcome of the PULMAN project and the resulting policy actions contribute to public libraries achieving their full potential in the information society.
de Groot, M. and Hackett, T. (2003), "Through the PULMAN glass: looking at the future of libraries in Europe", New Library World, Vol. 104 No. 3, pp. 103-109.
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