Major Douglas′ Proposals for a National Dividend: A Logical Successor to the Wage
Restates the essential economic proposals of Major Douglas, whose social (BEI) movement was a substantial political force in the inter‐war years. Refutes some common misinterpretations of his work and provides a new interpretation of his collaboration with A.R. Orage, a prominent guild socialist, between 1918 and 1922. Re‐assesses Douglas’ contributions to economic thought in the light of more recent events and of the development of the newly recognized discipline of social economics. Aims to show that Douglas’ warnings fall within the boundaries of this discipline, both in questionning the purpose of the economic system and in assessing its impact on the community in which it operates.
Burkitt, B. and Hutchinson, F. (1994), "Major Douglas′ Proposals for a National Dividend: A Logical Successor to the Wage", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 19-28.
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