The Epistemic‐Ontic Circular Causation and Continuity Model of Socio‐scientific Reality The Knowledge Premiss
Undertakes an epistemological formulation of ethico‐economics. This formulation challenges the neo‐classical and macroeconomic foundations of mainstream economics and then presents the rigorously analytical depths of ethico‐economics. Traces the developments, the praxis of the rational precept of economic science from its Hellenic roots as this found inroads into the thinking of the classical, Austrian institutionalists and political economists. Shows to be logically flawed several areas of general equilibrium and market equilibrium relations that we face without question in a pedagogical presentation of economic theory. Even the microeconomic and macroeconomic dichotomy is a kind of duality in economic reasoning that has the traces of Kantian dualism in it. Hence, in none of the received economic doctrines the circular cause and effect of the epistemic and the ontic roots of human reasoning are unified together to give a truly interactive view of economic activities embedded within the larger ecological complex. To this complex belong the inter‐relationships that comprehend life, experience, praxis and the totality of the socio‐scientific order. Presents such a unified epistemic‐ontic circular causation as the praxis of the ethico‐economic world view. It is substantially different to, and more revolutionizing than, the ethically neutral, ethically exogenous, and interaction‐benign constraint of mainstream economics.
Alam Choudhury, M. (1994), "The Epistemic‐Ontic Circular Causation and Continuity Model of Socio‐scientific Reality The Knowledge Premiss", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 3-18.
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