A City Perspective on Environmental Audits
Financial institutions, banks, insurance and fund management companies are starting to use environmental audits as management tools. As more attention is given to the environment, fund managers will become anxious to monitor the environmental performance of the companies in which they invest. One effective tool in monitoring environmental performance is the environmental audit. They not only highlight the environmental risks but also indicate business opportunities. In order to monitor the investments on the Commercial Union Environmental Exempt Pension Fund, the “Outline System for Good Environmental Management” and the “Environmental Management Check List” has been developed. The latter is intended to focus the attention of analysts and fund managers on key aspects of good environmental management.
Bade, R. (1991), "A City Perspective on Environmental Audits", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 6 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/02686909110134794
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