Dual boundary element analysis for cracked bars under torsion
A dual integral formulation for a cracked bar under torsion is derived, and a dual boundary element method is implemented. It is shown that as the thickness of the crack becomes thinner, the ill‐posedness for the linear algebraic matrix becomes more serious if the conventional BEM is used. Numerical experiments for solution instability due to ill‐posedness are shown. To deal with this difficulty, the hypersingular equation of the dual boundary integral formulation is employed to obtain an independent constraint equation for the boundary unknowns. For the sake of computational efficiency, the area integral for the torsion rigidity is transformed into two boundary integrals by using Green’s second identity and divergence theorem. Finally, the torsion rigidities for cracks with different lengths and orientations are solved by using the dual BEM, and the results compare well with the analytical solutions and FEM results.
Chen, J.T., Chen, K.H., Yeih, W. and Shieh, N.C. (1998), "Dual boundary element analysis for cracked bars under torsion", Engineering Computations, Vol. 15 No. 6, pp. 732-749. https://doi.org/10.1108/02644409810231871
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