A fast Euler solver for the solution of three‐dimensional rotational compressible flows
Provides very accurate 3D compressible internal flow results computed by means of a fast Euler solver. This methodology separately integrates compatibility conditions, written in terms of generalized Riemann variables, along appropriate bicharacteristic lines. The three‐dimensional flow problem is thus reduced to a sequence of simple quasi one‐dimensional problems. Demonstrates the merits of the present approach by means of the application to the solution of the flow in a Stanitz elbow and by comparison with numerical results, computed by means of other theoretical methods, and with the experimental results.
Fortunato, B. (1997), "A fast Euler solver for the solution of three‐dimensional rotational compressible flows", Engineering Computations, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 306-324. https://doi.org/10.1108/02644409710170988
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