A combined finite/discrete element simulation of shot peening processes – Part II: 3D interaction laws
Following earlier work on the combined finite/discrete element simulation of shot peening process in 2D case, 3D representation of the problem is established with respect to DE modelling and contact interaction laws. An important relevant computational issue regarding the critical time step is carefully studied, and a new time stepping scheme that can ensure both short and long term stability of the contact models is developed. Numerical tests are performed to evaluate the proposed normal and frictional contact interaction laws with various model parameters. The influences of single and multiple shot impact, as well as element sizes are also numerically investigated. The established contact interaction laws can also be applied to other multi‐body dynamic simulations.
Han, K., Peric´, D., Owen, D.R.J. and Yu, J. (2000), "A combined finite/discrete element simulation of shot peening processes – Part II: 3D interaction laws", Engineering Computations, Vol. 17 No. 6, pp. 680-702. https://doi.org/10.1108/02644400010340615
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