Mixed convection heat transfer in ventilated cavities with opposing and assisting flows
Mixed convection heat transfer in ventilated cavities submitted to a constant heat flux has been numerically studied using the Navier‐Stokes equations with the Boussinesq approximation. Results in terms of streamlines and isotherms are produced for different values of the governing parameters, namely, the Rayleigh number (103 ≤q Ra ≤q 106) and the Reynolds number (5 ≤q Re ≤q 5, 000). The geometrical parameters are the aspect ratio of the cavity A = L’/H’ = 2 and the relative height of the openings B = h’/H’ = 1/4. Results of the simulations show that the maximum interaction between natural and forced convection occurs for couples (Ra, Re) which can be correlated as Re = a Rab.
Raji, A. and Hasnaoui, M. (2000), "Mixed convection heat transfer in ventilated cavities with opposing and assisting flows", Engineering Computations, Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 556-572. https://doi.org/10.1108/02644400010339770
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