Calvert, P. (2009), "A Short‐cut to Marketing the Library", The Electronic Library, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 354-355.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
In the introduction to this slim volume the author describes it as “a simple one‐hour handbook” (p. 2) on the subject of marketing libraries. If you feel you need a very basic primer on marketing your library, then this could a good place to start. For those with rather more knowledge then the contents found here will offer little.
What this book can do is burst a few bubbles surrounding the marketing of libraries, and perhaps convince some doubters of its necessity and its value. It explains in a very clear way why librarians must market their services and products and why using some traditional marketing ideas is a good way to start. Marketing theories are described very briefly, and key concepts such as branding are also mentioned though in a similar concise way. I like the references to new technologies and how they can be used in library marketing, but the content remains at a very basic level.
There are no practical examples or case studies of libraries actually marketing. This is an introduction to the subject but not a text book. This book may struggle to find a readership. If you want to read a new book on library marketing then turn instead to Rossiter's Marketing the Best Deal in Town: Your Library (Chandos, 2008). Same publisher; better value.