Design of a full text image Chinese CD‐ROM database retrieval system in a campus digital library
The library CD‐ROM database with its enormous storage and retrieving from network capabilities, has been gradually replacing some of its printed counterparts. But one of the disadvantages is that it can only access the full‐text image CD‐ROM database via local area network environment. This paper proposes a new method to solve this problem. The method uses hash function as data structure and image document process technique to perform a practical library full‐text image CD‐ROM database retrieving system. The results of its function can reduce users storage space, allow multi‐users to retrieve the same CD‐ROM database, and allow users to retrieve and print out full text image CD‐ROM database via campus network.
Chen, R. and Chen, C.C. (2002), "Design of a full text image Chinese CD‐ROM database retrieval system in a campus digital library", The Electronic Library, Vol. 20 No. 6, pp. 460-465.
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