What is the meaning of “knowledge” under the Limitation Act 1980?
Explains that Limitation of Actions is extended where there are latent defects by s.14A of the Limitation Act 1980. Notes that, in relation to negligent surveys, the recent case of Spencer Ward and another v. Humberts gives an interesting example of how the courts construe the meaning of knowledge within the Act which starts the three‐year period running in cases of latent defect. Explores the courts’ interpretation of relevant parts of the Act, and suggests that the courts’ attitude in recent cases may be erring on the side of the professional and draws property managers to the practical implications of this.
Dawson, M. and Midgley‐Hunt, J. (1996), "What is the meaning of “knowledge” under the Limitation Act 1980?", Property Management, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 11-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/02637479610150720
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