Improving building safety in property maintenance
Property defects and building safety have been major concerns for many years in Hong Kong. The local government intends to launch a Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) for owners of aged buildings; and instigate necessary defect rectification to enhance building and public safety (HKSAR BD, 2010). This study aims to examine the effects of the proposed enforcement actions, attain major stakeholders’ views, and to establish any unidentified problems.
The investigation will be comprised of three stages, i.e. first, a thorough review of some target buildings having received repair orders from government; second, dispatch a structured questionnaire to major stakeholders to solicit their respective views for such potential building; and third, analyze such collected data with statistical tools with proposed solutions and conclusion.
It is anticipated that this research will explore the fundamental concerns, threshold, constraints and actions to be implemented to enhance for better building safety for a potential long‐outstanding problem in Hong Kong.
The research is based on quantitative studies with originality and value attributed to major stakeholders.
Chan, K. (2012), "Improving building safety in property maintenance", Property Management, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 465-476.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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