Target costing for supply chain management: criteria and selection
This article examines the use of target costing as a means to improve the management of supply chains. A discussion of the shortcomings of traditional and activity‐based cost management approaches to supply chain management provides the basis for exploring the use of target costing within supply chains. Customer requirements and supply chain relationships are identified as key criteria for selecting the most appropriate method of target costing for supply chains. Price‐based, value‐based, and activity‐based cost management approaches to target costing are discussed, and recommendations for their use based upon customer requirements and supply chain relationships are offered. Conclusions are provided on the use of target costing to enhance a supply chain’s ability to improve customer satisfaction.
Lockamy, A. and Smith, W.I. (2000), "Target costing for supply chain management: criteria and selection", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 100 No. 5, pp. 210-218.
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