Rapport in telemarketing ‐ mirror, mirror on the call?
Examines the hypothesis that the UK population has not yet fully developed a telemarketing culture and that there is, therefore, a particular need for telemarketers to understand how rapport might be developed on the telephone. Relevant literature from the fields of social psychology, applied psychology and marketing are reviewed and a programme of research was carried out, comprising an Omnibus to measure the extent of telemarketing experience in the UK population and a study among organisations with in‐house telemarketing facilities to explore the types of practices that might foster rapport. It concludes that a telemarketing culture still has some way to develop and that, while many organisations used a number of seemingly relevant techniques, in particular NLP mirroring and matching, there are a number of issues still to be resolved regarding measurement of rapport as well as the theory and “measuring instruments” associated with NLP. Other factors affecting the development of rapport in a telemarketing environment are also considered
Nancarrow, C. and Penn, S. (1998), "Rapport in telemarketing ‐ mirror, mirror on the call?", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 12-21. https://doi.org/10.1108/02634509810199436
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