The “ICON” archetype: Its influence on customer orientation and innovation in South African firms
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between a firm's “ICON” archetype, turbulence in its operating environment and its performance.
A questionnaire‐based survey of 258 marketing managers in South Africa used a modified ICON scale to identify archetypes, assess perceived turbulence, and measure performance with respect to profitability, market share and growth rate.
The archetype to which a firm conforms depends to some extent on its perception of environmental turbulence, and has an influence on all aspects of its performance. “Isolate” firms tend to under‐perform on all measures; “shapers” exhibit significantly higher rates of growth.
Research limitations/implications
The limitations are associated with mail surveys, single‐respondent bias, and subjective assessment of performance. The study nevertheless demonstrates the validity and usefulness of the ICON matrix and scale, and sets directions for further investigation.
Practical implications
Offers a simple yet powerful way for marketing managers and planners to identify their firm's ICON archetype, and illustrates the impact it can have on performance.
A managerially useful adaptation of the original ICON scale is applied beyond the conventional setting of North America or Europe, in a challenging managerial environment.
Pitt, L., Salehi‐Sangari, E., Berthon, J. and Nel, D. (2007), "The “ICON” archetype: Its influence on customer orientation and innovation in South African firms", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 157-174.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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