Radon and remedial issues
The Government has recognised the significance of exposures in houses to the natural radioactive gas radon and has over the past decade initiated various campaigns in conjunction with NRPB, BRE and local authorities to mitigate its effects. This article explains the principal features of the programme to reduce radon exposures in existing housing, which is based on encouraging occupiers to measure radon levels in their homes and publicising the availability of cheap and effective remedies. The important role is noted of professional groups such as surveyors in the housing market and detailed descriptions provided of the main methods of reducing radon levels and their suitability for particular buildings. The importance of raising radon awareness amongst professionals is noted and sources of further information are provided including technical reports on remedial measures.
Dixon, D.W. and Scivyer, C. (1999), "Radon and remedial issues", Structural Survey, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 154-159. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630809910291334
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