Surveying the surveyors
This research examines the perceived concern in the public arena about the quality of residential surveys and suggests a high rate of sub standard reporting within residential surveys. The Homebuyer form of report was used in a test of survey standards. A sample of ten surveyors examined the same house in controlled circumstances. Only one surveyor identified each of the three key defects within the property. The research considers the method of assessment of quality within surveys and reports upon the identification of defects and the levels of recognition. The research concludes that there is an unexpectedly high level of reporting that falls below an acceptable standard. Recommendations are made for the improvement of standards, an assessment of the skills required and the requirements for the education process for surveyors.
Hollis, M. and Bright, K. (1999), "Surveying the surveyors", Structural Survey, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 65-73.
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