Building quality assessment (BQA) for offices
Describes a computerized system of building appraisal ‐ building quality assessment (BQA) ‐ which has been evaluated by the Building Research Establishment. BQA is a tool for scoring the performance of a building, relating actual performance to identified requirements for user groups in that type of building. It can be used as an aid for portfolio or asset management, rent reviews, investment appraisals, purchasing or selling properties, defining quality at briefing stage for new build and refurbishment, and judging alternative design proposals. Gives examples of the category classification of user requirements; the sections into which those categories divide and also the factors that comprise each section, thereby providing a common basis for measurement by different people, in different places at any time.
Clift, M. (1996), "Building quality assessment (BQA) for offices", Structural Survey, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 22-25.
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