“Jerry building” – surveyors′ liability arising out of mortgage valuations
Considers three cases decided in 1993 and 1994 relating to a surveyor′s liability for failing to comment adequately on serious defects in properties when carrying out inspections and reports for mortgage valuation purposes. In two of the cases the judges were so concerned by the condition of the property as to describe its construction as having been “jerry built”. In each of the three cases, a substantial award of damages was made against the surveyors concerned although two of the awards were subsequently reduced on appeal. However, the findings of negligence against the surveyors were upheld.
Murrells, P. (1995), "“Jerry building” – surveyors′ liability arising out of mortgage valuations", Structural Survey, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 25-28. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630809510089847
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