Quality service success – property management development to empowerment: a Hong Kong analysis
In recent years, businesses have had to improve to suit the daily dynamic of global environment. The key is to encourage employees to take the initiative and become more involved in the success, or failure, of the enterprise. The process for securing that involvement and creating change is empowerment. The prerequisites for a successful, empowered workplace include a great amount of training, active top‐management support and employee involvement. Provides an overview of the employee empowerment considerations pressing upon the property professional’s attitude and proposes an overall empowerment process management model in effective quality service delivery. Reports on a research project investigating the current and potential existence, implementation and levels of training in empowering management styles in ten international property management groups in Hong Kong. However, in the East meets West culture of Hong Kong, empowerment is starting to be introduced to a selection of staff in several international real estate chains.
Yip, J.S.L. (2000), "Quality service success – property management development to empowerment: a Hong Kong analysis", Structural Survey, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 148-154. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800010341471
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