New developments concerning religious accommodation in the workplace
Sets out US and Californian law on religious discrimination, setting out the protection this gives employees from being discriminated against in either employment, training or compensation for employment because of the religious beliefs. Also points out that the law requires employees to make reasonable accommodation to enable employees participate in religious observances. Lists the steps that employees must take to prove that there has been religious discrimination. Looks at California and US case law and finds that they give similar religious rights in the workplace. Sets out what these rights are as they relate to employment, membership of a trade union, and access to training. Assesses the impact of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 1993, indicating the extra rights this gives church and other religious organizations. Summarizes the President’s Guidelines on Religious Exercise and Religious Expression in the Federal Workplace, issued by the White House in 1997. Points out that some groups object to these rights on the grounds that they might infringe other groups’ rights to protection from harassment.
Schulze, R.W. and Kleiner, B.H. (1999), "New developments concerning religious accommodation in the workplace", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 18 No. 2/3/4, pp. 67-71.
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