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Latest research and development of twin‐straight tube Coriolis mass flowmeters

Tao Wang (KROHNE Ltd, Wellingborough, UK)
Yousif Hussain (KROHNE Ltd, Wellingborough, UK)

Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 30 January 2007




The paper aims to theoretically predict sensor signals and calibration factors for twin‐straight tube Coriolis flowmeters. It also aims to determine an optimal flow path to minimize pressure loss.


Two major aspects involved in the latest research and development of a series of twin‐straight tube Coriolis mass flowmeters are presented. Firstly, the theoretical method adopted for the concept design to predict sensor signals and calibration factors is given. This is essentially a finite element method using the fluid structure interaction theory based on a Timoshenko beam coupled with one‐dimensional flow. Secondly, detailed design using computational fluid dynamics is described to optimise pressure loss. Finally, experimental results from testing a prototype meter are given and compared with the numerical results.


Finds that sensor signals and calibration factors can be predicted with the presented method. Also finds that pressure loss can be minimized with an optimized flow splitter.

Practical implications

Comparison between experiments and theoretical results shows agreement and indicates the effectiveness of computer‐aided engineering at an early development stage of Coriolis mass flow sensors.


Provide a theoretical model to predict sensor signals and calibration factors for Coriolis mass flowmeters. Introduce an optimized splitter shape for a twin tube configuration.



Wang, T. and Hussain, Y. (2007), "Latest research and development of twin‐straight tube Coriolis mass flowmeters", Sensor Review, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 43-47.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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