Force/torque sensing applied to industrial robotic deburring
Force/torque sensing is very important for several automatic and industrial robotic applications. Basically, if precise control of the forces that arise from contact between tools and parts is required to successfully complete the automatic task, then a force/torque sensor is needed along with some force/torque control technique. In this paper we focus on force/torque sensing aspects applied to industrial robotic tasks. Concentrating on a particular type of force/torque sensor, we demonstrate how to use them and how to integrate them into force/torque control applications using robots. Finally, an industrial application is presented where force control was fundamental for the success of the task.
Norberto Pires, J., Ramming, J., Rauch, S. and Araújo, R. (2002), "Force/torque sensing applied to industrial robotic deburring", Sensor Review, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 232-241.
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