Floating or drowning in a sea of piracy: How do you take on the hacker?
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.
This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context.
The growth of digital piracy, in the wake of the technological revolution during the last few decades, is as inevitable as night following day. Where innovators have gone first, pirates and hackers have followed. Many of these people are at least as smart as their targets and therein lies one of the major problems afflicting companies: how best, if indeed at all, to take on the hackers.
Practical implications
The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world's leading organizations.
The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy‐to‐digest format.
(2009), "Floating or drowning in a sea of piracy: How do you take on the hacker?", Strategic Direction, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 13-16. https://doi.org/10.1108/02580540910921860
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited