Inside the intranets at BA and Glaxo: How technology is facilitating change
For most airlines, the last 12 months have proved to be some of the hardest their balance sheets are ever likely to suffer. Big names have gone, even bigger ones are balancing on the brink, and thousands of jobs have been lost. The far‐reaching impact of shattered passenger confidence, escalating security costs and increasing competition from low‐cost rivals has left many of the larger carriers reeling. But while US Airways appears to be raising the white flag as it flies its planes into the Mojave Desert for storage, others are attempting to fight back. At British Airways (BA) the restructuring has gone far beyond job and route cuts – over 18 months have been spent on a radical overhaul of its corporate intranet which is expected to save the troubled company in excess of £75m ($117m) a year.
(2003), "Inside the intranets at BA and Glaxo: How technology is facilitating change", Strategic Direction, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 10-13.
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