The role of California’s department of industrial relations
The purpose of this article is to define the role of California’s Department of Industrial Relations as well as its division in improving the effectiveness of a union management relationship, improving the quality of work life, and resolving the conflicts between the workers and the employers within California. California’s Department of Industrial Relations has the responsibilities in such major fields as Worker Compensation, Occupational Safety and Health, Labour Law, Apprenticeship Training, Mediation and Conciliation, and Statistics and Research. The materials presented in this article are to demonstrate the roles of California’s Department of Industrial Relations in the major fields. In addition, there are some case studies included in the article to demonstrate the approaches used by the California’s Department of Industrial Relations in fulfilling its role in protecting the rights of workers.
Thanh Tam Nguyen, N. and Kleiner, B.H. (2005), "The role of California’s department of industrial relations", Management Research News, Vol. 28 No. 2/3, pp. 23-33.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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