Creative industries: economic contributions, management challenges and support initiatives
States that the idea of grouping a number of cultural, commercial and industrial activities together under the banner of the “creative industries” is relatively new but it has already been the focus of considerable interest, discussion and policy making within the UK. Acknowledges that the government has been keen to promote the creative industries as a major success story and a key element in the knowledge economy. Looks at what is seen to constitute the creative industries, reviews some of the evidence about their contribution to the economy and outlines some of the management challenges and the support and promotion initiatives associated with these industries.
Jones, P., Comfort, D., Eastwood, I. and Hillier, D. (2004), "Creative industries: economic contributions, management challenges and support initiatives", Management Research News, Vol. 27 No. 11/12, pp. 134-145.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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