A replication of the amount and equivocality of information processing in organizational work units
Replicates the Daft and Macintosh (1981) research that related the amount and equivocality of information processing to the variety and analysability of work unit activities. Conducted across 38 different work units in a single Fortune 500 firm, identifies some contradictions, but confirms Daft and Macintosh’s unhypothesized findings and suggests that within an organizational context the amount of information processed by work units serves as an uncertainty reducing mechanism. Thus, more information intensive work units are able to clarify equivocal information and increase the precision and analysability of their task work.
Lind, M.R. (1997), "A replication of the amount and equivocality of information processing in organizational work units", Work Study, Vol. 46 No. 5, pp. 154-159. https://doi.org/10.1108/00438029710171980
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