Quality initiatives in an Indian software organization: a case study
In the present economic context of liberalization and globalization, Indian organizations face many challenges. Customer focus is essential as is a corresponding emphasis on the quality of products, systems, and procedures. The Indian software industry has been recognized globally for its competitiveness built upon quality attributes such as timeliness and reliability of delivery. This paper is based on a case study carried out in one of the leading software organizations in India involved in developing a range of application software for banks, insurance companies, and financial houses. The case study work involved a survey identifying the critical success factors for TQM, and identifying how the company adopts various principles and techniques of quality management. The paper uses this case study to suggest a model for TQM implementation.
Ahmed Wali, A., Gupta, A.D. and Deshmukh, S.G. (2000), "Quality initiatives in an Indian software organization: a case study", Work Study, Vol. 49 No. 7, pp. 285-293. https://doi.org/10.1108/00438020010350248
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