Resource sharing among agricultural libraries in Malaysia
Investigates resource sharing activities undertaken by agricultural libraries in Malaysia. It was found that resource sharing was basically limited to interlibrary lending and document delivery activities. On the average, each scientist from the participating research institutions made 1.25 document delivery and interlibrary loan requests per annum. Nearly 74 percent of these requests were met from local libraries. The participating libraries preferred to make their overseas document delivery requests to the BLDSC. Only a limited resource sharing activity was observed between the participating libraries and libraries in the ASEAN region. Heads of the participating libraries were in favour of a “loose” resource sharing scheme where it should be at their discretion to decide with whom to share their resources and at what level. The study offers several suggestions for improving resource sharing activities among agricultural libraries in Malaysia.
Majid, S., Eisenschitz, T.S. and Anwar, M.A. (1999), "Resource sharing among agricultural libraries in Malaysia", Library Review, Vol. 48 No. 8, pp. 384-394.
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