Research collections in the digital age: the role of CURL
The origins of CURL in the 1980s lay in its members’ need to share machine‐readable catalogue records ‐ an aim materially assisted by the establishment of JANET. Funding from the Wolfson Foundation and the University Grants Committee enabled the development of a consortial database of catalogue records, based in the University of Manchester from 1986. CURL became a limited company in 1992, with charitable status, and established itself as a reseller of records, through OCLC, addressing wider issues for research support through input to the Follett Review of academic libraries in 1993. The transformation of the CURL Database into a national OPAC followed from the award of national funding in 1994/5 and, with the Consortium’s membership growing to more than 20 by 1996/7, CURL has embarked on a systematic strategic plan designed to exploit its members’ extensive holdings of research materials for the benefit of the wider scholarly community.
Carr, R. (1998), "Research collections in the digital age: the role of CURL", Library Review, Vol. 47 No. 5/6, pp. 277-281.
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