The need for a converged approach to EIS provision? Evidence from the JUBILEE project
This paper reports and reflects upon a number of the findings and issues emerging from evidence collated to date as part of JUBILEE (Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) user behaviour in information seeking: longitudinal evaluation of electronic information services), a significant, ongoing UK research project. The evidence is largely based on analysis and interpretation of the qualitative data from the research, with discussion focusing on information seeking behaviour and information skills in relation to electronic information sources. The background and aims of the research are outlined, succeeded by an exploration of the differing types of information technology (IT) skills needed by users to ensure effective use of electronic information services (EIS). Finally, extrapolating from the research data, there is consideration as to how these IT skills can be effectively developed in the higher education environment. Referring back to the title of this paper, a stress is placed on the importance of a converged, “joined up” approach to EIS provision.
Coulson, G., Ray, K. and Banwell, L. (2003), "The need for a converged approach to EIS provision? Evidence from the JUBILEE project", Library Review, Vol. 52 No. 9, pp. 438-443.
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