Criteria for the success of automated library systems: Iranian experience (application and test of the related scale)
Refers to a 1999 Australian survey which examined a 26 item scale developed regarding three major automated library systems issues, which approved 23 items that represented criteria for the success of automated library systems, and rejection of the remaining three items. The same scale was translated into Farsi in the year 2000 and distributed among 240 library managers and systems librarians in 120 Iranian institutions of higher education. Results of the Iranian survey were acceptance of 24 out of the 26 scale items by university librarians and systems managers, and rejection of two items. The rejected items were not identical in the two studies, and the discrepancies mainly raised by “boundary” issues. However, Australian and Iranian colleagues seem to be identical in their attitudes towards management, technicalities and usage of automated library systems. The scale, so far, has proved to be reliable and valid, at least with 21 of its items.
Hossein Farajpahlou, A. (2002), "Criteria for the success of automated library systems: Iranian experience (application and test of the related scale)", Library Review, Vol. 51 No. 7, pp. 364-371.
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