The Leadership Circle Profile: breakthrough leadership assessment technology
The purpose of this paper is to describe The Leadership Circle Profile as a significant advancement in leadership assessment and development technology.
This paper will describe how The Leadership Circle Profile integrates many of the best psychological, leadership, and spiritual development frameworks and theory into an integrated competency‐based leadership assessment.
In addition to describing The Leadership Circle Profile, the article will summarize key statistical information that suggests the underlying validity of the instrument. It will also show how the major dimensions measured by the Profile are correlated to leadership effectiveness and a business performance index. A full description of the validity data and research methodology is beyond the scope of this paper.
Organization development consultants and executive coaches will discover a new leadership assessment technology that goes beyond what is available in other tools, in that, it is a more complete model of leadership development; immediately brings the key internal and behavioral issues to the surface; and invites the client to work more deeply and transformationally within themselves.
Anderson, R.J. (2006), "The Leadership Circle Profile: breakthrough leadership assessment technology", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 175-184.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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