Using job support tools to increase individual productivity and improve workgroup performance
Providing knowledge is often not enough. Work groups may also require tools that help them apply it. Job support tools capture and spread best practice. Devices such as “traffic‐lighting” can also influence or change behaviour. The right tools increase understanding with each use. Job support tools can use whatever formats, from text and graphics to animations, visual images and video and audio material, best help understanding. Building knowledge into job support tools can make it easier for workgroups to excel at complex tasks. Significant improvements in individual performance and salesforce productivity can be achieved. The greatest benefits are usually achieved with relatively homogeneous groups of people undertaking similar tasks.
Coulson‐Thomas, C. (2003), "Using job support tools to increase individual productivity and improve workgroup performance", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 35 No. 4, pp. 142-147.
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