Conducting composites as cable anodes in cathodic protection: a literature summary
The basic characteristics of a cathodic protection system, using cable anodes, have been reviewed. Cable anodes differ from typical anode systems because of the anode installation method. An anode system based on cable anodes is not installed in point locations; the anode is located at a small distance from the protected structure and runs in parallel along the route of the structure to be protected. An elastic conducting composite of very good mechanical properties is used as the anode material. This solution can result in a reduction in operating costs, and the avoidance of under‐protected and over‐protected zones, or protective current interference, on other structures.
Darowicki, K. and Orlikowski, J. (2002), "Conducting composites as cable anodes in cathodic protection: a literature summary", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 49 No. 5, pp. 330-334.
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