Reconstruction of a homogeneous polynomial from its additive decompositions when identifiability fails

E. Ballico

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 25 August 2020

Issue publication date: 20 April 2021



Let Xr be an integral and non-degenerate complex variety. For any qr let rX(q) be its X-rank and S(X,q) the set of all finite subsets of X such that |S|=rX(q) and qS, where denotes the linear span. We consider the case |S(X,q)|>1 (i.e. when q is not X -identifiable) and study the set W(X)q:=SS(X,q)S, which we call the non-uniqueness set of q. We study the case dimX=1 and the case X a Veronese embedding of n. We conclude the paper with a few remarks concerning this problem over the reals.



Ballico, E. (2021), "Reconstruction of a homogeneous polynomial from its additive decompositions when identifiability fails", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 41-52.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, E. Ballico


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1. Introduction

Let Xr be an integral and non-degenerate variety defined over an algebraically closed field K with characteristic 0. For any set Ar let A denote its linear span. Fix any qr. The X -rank rX(q) of X is the minimal cardinality of a finite set SX such that qS. The notion of X-rank includes the notion of tensor rank of a tensor (take X a multi projective space and Xr its Segre embedding) and the notion of additive decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial or its symmetric tensor rank (take as X a projective space and as Xr one of its Veronese embeddings). See [] for a long list of applications of these notions.

Notation 1.

Let S(X,q) denote the set of all SX such that |S|=rX(q) and qS. Set W(X)q:=SS(X,q)S.

The set W(X)q is the main actor of this paper. We often write Wq if X is clear from the context.

Remark 1.

Note that Wq is a linear subspace of r containing q and that if Wq={q}, and S(X,q)=S(X,q) for some qr, then q=q. We will call Wq the non-uniqueness set of q. We have dimWq=rX(q)1 if and only if S=S for all S,SS(X,q). In particular Wq={q}andqX imply |S(X,q)|>1.

In this paper we prove one result on the Veronese variety (i.e. on the additive decomposition of homogeneous polynomials) () and three results for the case dimX=1 ( and and ). The proof of the result on the Veronese variety uses one of the results for curves.

We first prove the following two cases (with X a curve) in which Wq={q}.

Theorem 1.

Fix an even integer r2 . Let Xr be an integral and non-degenerate curve. There is a non-empty Zariski open subset Ur such that rX(q)=r/2+1 for all qU and the following properties hold:

  1. (a)

    We have {q}=SS(X,q)S for all qU.

  2. (b)

    For all (q,q)U×r if S(X,q)=S(X,q), then q=q.

Theorem 2.

Fix an integer d2 and let Xd be the rational normal curve. Take any qd such that S(X,q) is not a singleton. Then Wq={q} . Moreover, if S(X,q)=S(X,q) for some qd , then q=q.

Take a non-degenerate Xr and qr. For any integer t>0 the t-secant variety σt(X) of X is the closure in r of the union of all linear spaces S with SX and |S|=t. The border rank or border X-rank bX(q) of qr is the minimal integer b1 such that qσb(X). We say that a finite set Ar irredundantly spans q if qA and qA for any AA. We use to prove the following result for the order d Veronese embedding of n.

Theorem 3.

Fix integers n,d,b,k , such that n2, d8, 42bd and d+2bk2d2 . Let νd:nr, r=(n+dn)1, be the orderd Veronese embedding. Let Ln be a line. Set Y:=νd(L). Fix qY such that bY(q)=b and rY(q)=d+2b. Fix a general Un such that |U|=kd2+b . Let qr be any point irredundantly spanned by {q}νd(U). Then:

  1. (1)

    rX(q)=k and S(X,q){EU}ES(Y,q).

  2. (2)

    If k2d3, then S(X,q)={EU}ES(Y,q) and Wq=U{q}.

In we consider the following problem. For any positive integer t let S(X,q,t) be the set of all SX such that |S|=t and S irredundantly spans q. We have S(X,q,t)=ø for all t<rX(q) and S(X,q,rX)=S(X,q)ø. By the definition of irredundantly spanning set we have S(X,q,t)=ø for all tr+2. Since X is integral and non-degenerate, for all (X,q) we have S(X,q,r+1)ø and S(X,q,r+1) contains a general subset of X with cardinality r+1. There are easy examples of triples (X,q,t) such that r>t>rX(q) and S(X,q,t)=ø (). It easy to check that S(X,q,t)ø for all t such that r+1dimXtr (). Set W(X)q,t:=SS(X,q,t)S, with the convention W(X)q,t:=r if S(X,q,t)ø. We often write Wq,t instead of W(X)q,t.

In we prove the following result.

Proposition 1.

Let Xr, r4, be an integral and non-degenerate curve. Then there exists a non-empty Zariski open subset U of r such that Wq,t={q} for all qU and all (r+2)/2tr.

In we briefly discuss the case of real algebraic subvarieties of r(). In particular we show that a statement similar to over is true if we take as U a non-zero open subset of r(), for the euclidean topology (), but it fails if we ask for a non-empty open subset of r() for the Zariski topology ().

We thanks a referee for useful comments.

2. Preliminary observations

The cactus rank or cactus X-rank cX(q) of qr is the minimal degree of a zero-dimensional scheme ZX such that qZ. Let Z(X,q) denote the set of all zero-dimensional schemes ZX such that deg(Z)=cX(q) and qZ.

Remark 2.

Let Xd, d2, be a degree d rational normal curve. We use [, §1.3] and [] for the following observations. Fix qr.

(i) We have bX(q)=cX(q) ([, Lemma 1.38]) and |Z(X,q)|=1 ([, Part (i) of Theorem 1.43]).

(ii) If cX(q)<rX(q), then cX(q)+rX(q)=d+2 and S(X,q) is infinite. Let Z be the only element of Z(X,q), d+2cX(q) is the minimal degree of a scheme AX such that qA and AZ.

(iii) If rX(q)>cX(q), then {q}=ZS, where {Z}=Z(X,q) and S is any element of S(X,q) (this also follows from the fact that h1(1,L)=0 for any line bundle L on 1 with deg(L)1, as in the proof of ).

(iv) then IfrX(q)>bX(q),then dimS(X,q)=d+32b ([, eq. (9)]).

(v) If d is odd and rX(q)=(d+1)/2 (i.e. rX(q)=bX(q) is the generic rank), then S(X,q)=Z(X,q) and |S(X,q)|=1 ([, Theorem 1.43]).

(vi) Assume d even and rX(q)=d/2+1 and so q has the generic rank and bX(q)=rX(q), but we do not assume that q is general in d. Fix S,SS(X,q) such that SS.

Claim 1.


Proof of . Since SS and SS(X,q), we have qSS. The Grassmann’s formula gives h1(1,ISS(d))>0. Since h1(1,L)=0 for any line bundle L on 1 with deg(L)1 and qX, we have SS=ø and h1(1,ISS(d))=1. Thus the Grassmann’s formula implies dim(SS)=0, proving .

Obviously implies Wq={q} in this case, which by [, Part (i) of Theorem 1.43] is the only case in which rX(q)=bX(q) and Z(X,q) is not a singleton.

Note that (iii) implies that each qr with cX(q)rX(q) is uniquely determined by the zero-dimensional scheme evincing its cactus rank and by one single set evincing its rank (any SS(X,q) would do the job). Obviously part (i) implies that most qr (the ones with rX(q)=bX(q) ) are not uniquely determined by S(X,q). By parts (i) and (ii) for each qr such that rX(q)=bX(q) there are exactly t, t:=rX(q)1, points or with S(X,o)=S(X,q).

In the proof of we use the following result ([, Theorem 1], [, Theorem 2]); we use the assumption d6 to have 4d53d+1 and hence to apply a small part of [, Theorem 1].

Lemma 1

([, Theorem 1], [, Theorem 2]). Fix an integer d6 . Let Sn, n2, be a finite set such that |S|4d5 . We have h1(IS(d))>0 if and only if there is FS in one of the following cases:

  1. |F|=d+1 and F is contained in a line;

  2. |F|=2d+2 and F is contained in a reduced conic D ; if D=L1L2 with each Li a line we have L1L2F and |FL1|=|FL2|=d+1;

  3. |F|=3d, F is contained in the smooth part of a reduced plane cubic C and F is the complete intersection of C and a degree d hypersurface;

  4. |F|=3d+1 and F is contained in a plane cubic.

3. Proofs of

Proof of .

To prove part (b) it is sufficient to prove part (a), because S(X,q)=S(X,q) implies {q}Wq=Wq and Wq={q} for qU.

Since part (a) is trivial in the case r=2, we assume r4. Since no non-degenerate curve is defective ([, Corollary 1.5 and Remark 1.6]), there is a non-empty Zariski open subset Vr such that rX(q)=r/2+1 and dimS(X,q)=1 for all qV.

For each set SX such that |S|=r/2+1 and dimS=r/2 let S:r\Sr/21 denote the linear projection from S. For a general S we have SX=S (scheme-theoretically) by Bertini’s theorem and the trisecant lemma ([, Corollary 2.2]) and S|X\S is birational onto its image, again by the trisecant lemma and the assumption r4.

Fix a general SX such that |S|=r/2+1. Let XSr/21 be the closure of S(X\S) in r/21. There is a finite set EXS containing XS\S(X\S) and such that for each pXS\E there is a unique oX\S such that S(o)=p. For any set AXS\E let ASX\S denote the only set such that S(AS)=A. Any general AXS\E such that |A|=r/2+1 is linearly dependent, but each proper subset of A is linearly independent. Thus SAS is a single point, qS,A, and qS,AB for any BAS. For a general A we get as AS a general subset of X with cardinality r/2+1. Thus for a general A we have qS,AS for any SS. We start with SS(X,o) for a general or. Thus rX(q)=r/2+1 for a general qS. Thus for a general A we get SS(qS,A) and ASS(qS,A). By construction we have {qS,A}=SAS. For a general A the point qS,A is general in S. By the generality of S we get that the points qS,A ’s (with (S,A) varying, but general), cover a non-empty Zariski open subset of r.□

Proof of .

Set b:=bX(q). Since S(X,q) is not a singleton, we have qX and hence b2. Part (vi) of covers the case rX(q)=b and hence we may assume rX(q)>b. Thus rX(q)=d+2b. By part (v) of we have S(X,q)2. We will prove the stronger assumption that {q}=AΓA, where Γ is any irreducible family contained in S(X,q) and with dimΓ=d+32b; we do not assume that Γ is closed in S(X,q).

(a) First assume b=2. We use the proof of [, Proposition 5.1]. Fix ad\{q}. Let Hd be a general hyperplane containing q. Since qX, Bertini’s and Bezout’s theorems give that XH is formed by d distinct points. Since X is connected, the exact sequence


gives that XH spans H. Thus qXH. Since rX(q)=d, we get XHS(X,q). The generality of H gives aH, concluding the proof that Wq={q}.

(b) Step (a) and part (i) (resp. part (vi)) of for the case d odd (resp. d even) and q with generic rank cover all cases with d4. Thus we may assume d5 and use induction on d. Fix a general oX. Let o:d\{o}d1 denote the linear projection from o. Let Yd1 denote the closure of o(X\{o}) in d1. Y is a rational normal curve of d1. Set q:=o(q) and Z:=o(Z) (by the generality of o we have oZ and hence Z is well-defined, deg(Z)=b and dimZ=b1 ). The generality of o also implies that qZ{o} for any ZZ (here we use that X is a smooth curve and hence Z has only finitely many subschemes). Thus qZ and qZ for all ZZ. Since Y is a degree d1 rational normal curve and bd/2, parts (i) and (ii) of imply bY(q)=b and Z(Y,q)={Z}. Fix an irreducible family ΓS(X,q) such that dimΓ=d+32b (it exists by part (v) of ). Let B denote the set of all AΓ such that oA. By part (v) of and the generality of o we have B0 and dimB=d+22b. Set A:={o(B\{o})}BB. Since Y is a rational normal curve, parts (i) and (ii) of imply AS(Y,q). We have dimA=(d1)+32b. The inductive assumption gives {q}=AAA. Thus {o,q}=BBB. Since dimΓ=dimS(X,q)=d+32b (part (v) of ) and o is general in X, there is SΓ such that oS. Thus AΓA={q}.□

Proof of .

By Autarky ([, Exercise]) we may assume Uø. Since U is general in n, we have dimνd(U)Y=min{r,dimY+|U|}. Since dimY=d and d+|U|<r, we have νd(U)Y=ø. By we have W(Y)q={q}. Take ES(Y,q) and set A:=UE. The set {q}U irredundantly spans q and Yνd(U)=ø. Hence we have EU=ø and |A|=k. Since |A|=k and qνd(A), we have rX(q)k. Since U is general in n, we have h0(IA(t))=max{0,h0(IE(t))|U|} for all t ; to use this equality we need to fix one element, E, of S(Y,q), before choosing a general U.

Note that we have Wq=νd(U){q} for any q such that S(X,q)={EU}ES(Y,q) by . Assume either rX(q)<k or k2d3 and the existence of BS(X,q)\{EU}ES(Y,q). In the former case take BS(X,q). Set S:=AB. In both cases we have |B||A| and |A|+|B|4d5. Since h1(IS(d))>0 ([, Lemma 1]) there is FS in one of the cases listed in .

(a) Assume the existence of a plane cubic Tn such that |TS|3d.

(a1) Assume n=2. Thus T is an effective divisor of 2. Consider the residual exact sequence of T in 2:


Since |S\ST|4d53d=d5, we have h1(IS\ST(d3))=0. Thus either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\AT=B\BT. Assume for the moment LT. Bezout gives |LT|3. Since U is general and h0(O2(3))=10, we have |UT|9. Thus |BT|3d12>12|TA| and hence |B|>|A|, a contradiction. Now assume LT. Since h0(O2(2))=6 and UL=ø, we get |AT|d+8b. Thus |BT|2d5+b and again |B|>|A|, a contradiction.

(a2) Assume n>2. Let Mn be a general hyperplane containing the plane T (so M=T if n=3 ). Since S is a finite set and M is a general hyperplane containing T, we have SM=ST. Consider the residual exact sequence of M in n:


Since |S\AM|4d53d=d5, we have h1(IS\SM(d1))=0. Thus either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\AM=B\BM. Since no 4 points of U are coplanar, we have |AM|d+5b<3dd2+b. Thus |B|>|A|, a contradiction.

(b) Assume the existence of a plane conic D such that |SD|2d+2.

(b1) Assume n=2. Consider the residual exact sequence of D in 2:


First assume h1(IS\SD(d2))>0. Since |S\SD|4d52d2=2(d3)1, there is a line R2 such that |R(S\SD)|d1 ([, Lemma 34]). Thus |S(DR)|3d+1. Step (a1) gives a contradiction. Now assume h1(IS\SD(d2))=0. Either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\AD=B\BD. Assume for the moment LD. Thus |LD|2. Since U is general and h0(O2(2))=6, we have |UD|5. Thus |BD|>|AD| and so |B|>|A|, a contradiction. Now assume LD. Write D=LR with R a line. Set {o}:=LR. Since UL=ø, |LR|=1 and |UR|2 for each line R, we have |AD|d+4b. Let ZL be the only degree b zero-dimensional scheme evincing the cactus rank of q with respect to the rational normal curve νd(L) (part (i) of ). Set Z:=ZU and Z:=ZB. Since A\AD=B\BD, we have Z=Z(UR)(BD)(U\UD). Since qνd(Z), we have qνd(Z)νd(B). Thus h1(IZ(d))>0. Since h1(IU\SD(d2))=h1(IS\SD(d2))=0, the residual sequence () of D in 2 with Z instead of S gives h1(D,IZD,D(d))>0. Since D=RL, using either [, Corollaire 2] or the residual exact sequences of R and L in 2 we get that we are in one of the following cases:

  1. deg(ZL)d+2;

  2. deg(ZR)d+2;

  3. deg(ZR)=deg(ZL)=d+1 and oZred.

Recall that A\AB=B\BD (and hence) |BD||AD| and that |AD|d+4b.

(b1.1) Assume deg(ZL)d+2. Since ZL=Z(BL), we get |BL|d+b2. Consider the residual exact sequence of L in 2:


First assume h1(IS\SL(d1))>0. Since h1(IS\S(RL)(d2))=0, the residual exact sequence of R gives h1(R,ISR\SRL(d1))>0. Thus |SR\S{o}|d+1. Since |UR|2, we get |BR\B{o}|d1 and hence |B|>|A| (because d5), a contradiction.

Now assume h1(IS\SL(d1))=0. By [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] we get A\AL=B\BL. Since |BL|d+2b=|AL|, we get |BL|=d+2b. In this case part (1) of is proved. To prove part (2) we need to prove that BLS(Y,q). Since |BL|=d+2b and deg(ZL)d+2, we get Z1B=ø and deg(ZB)=d+2. Thus νd(BL)νd(Z) is a single point, q, and BLS(Y,q). Since U is general, and |U|(d+22)d, we have νd(U)νd(L)=ø. Since B\BL=A\AL=U, we get q=q, proving part (2) in this case.

(b1.2) Assume deg(ZR)=deg(ZL)=d+1 and oZred (i.e. oZred). Since deg(Z)=b and deg(ZD)=b+|UR|b+2, we get |LB|d+1b, |RB|d1 and oB. Thus |BD|2d+2b. Since |BD||AD|d+4b, we obtain a contradiction.

(b1.3) Assume deg(ZR)d+2. Since |UR|2 with strict inequality if oZred and every point of νd(R) has rank d by Sylvester’s theorem, we get |UR|+deg(ZR)=2, |BR|=d and UBR=ø. If h1(IS\SR(d1))=0, we have A\AR=B\BR by [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] and hence |B|>|A|, a contradiction. Now assume h1(IS\SR(d1))>0. Since h1(IS\SD(d2))=0 in this part of the proof, the residual exact sequence of L gives h1(L,ILS\LSR(d1))>0 and hence |S(L\LR)|d+1. Thus |B(L\LR)|b1. We get |BD|d+b1. Since A\AD=B\BD=U\UD, we get d+b1d+4b and hence b=2 and |BL|2. Since |UR|+deg(ZR)2 and q uniquely determines Z, R is uniquely determined by Z and the set |RU|. If oZregR is uniquely determined by q and one point of R\{o}. Since we took a general U after fixing q, we have |UR|1 if RLZreg. Hence (varying the points of U\UR (if UR ) we may (after fixing q ) assume that U\UR is general in n\D. Since A\AD=B\BD=U\UD, |U\UD|(d+22)2d1 and U\UD is general, we have νd(U\UD)νd(D). Thus there is a unique qνd(D) such that q{νd(U\UR),q}. We have qνd(AD)νd(BD){q,νd(UR)}. Thus is it sufficient to prove parts (1) and (2) of the theorem for q, AD and BD instead of q, A and B, i.e. in the rest of this step we assume U=UR. Since |B||A|, we have |BL|2. Thus h1(IZ(LB)(d1))=0. if oZredB, [, Lemma 5.1] gives a contradiction, because ZB. Now assume oZredB. Since oZred and Z is uniquely determined by q, we observed that |UR|1. Thus (under the assumption UD), we have |U|1. Since |BR|=d,o=LRB by assumption and ZR, we get deg(ZR)d+1, a contradiction.

(b2) Assume n>2. Let Mn be a general hyperplane containing the plane D. Thus SM=SD. Since U is general, no 4 points of U are coplanar. Thus |UM|=|UD|3.

(b2.1) Assume h1(IS\SM(d1))>0. Since |S\SM||A|+|B|2d22(d1)+1, there is a line Rn such that |R(S\SM)|d+1. If RD, then RD is a plane cubic and we may apply step (a1). Thus we may assume RD. Let Nn be a general hyperplane containing N. Since S is a finite set, the generality of M and N gives S(MN)=S(DR). Consider the residual exact sequence

of MN in n. Since |S\S(MN)||A|+|B|3d3d1, we have h1(IS\S(MN)(d2))=0. Thus either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\A(MN)=B\B(MN). We have A(MN)E(U(MN)) and hence |A\A(MN)|kd2+b5. Since |A(MN)|d+7b, we get |B(MN)|3d+3d7+b=2d4+b. Since |B\B(MN)|kd2+b5, we get a contradiction.

(b2.2) Assume h1(IS\SM(d1))=0. Either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\AM=B\BM. Since |UM|=|UD|3, we have |U\UM|kd5+b. Assume for the moment LD. We get |EM|1 and hence |A\AM|k4. Since A\AM=B\BM, we get |SM||A|+|B|2k8 and hence 2d+28, a contradiction. Now assume LD. If LD we get (since |LD|2 ) |SM|3d+b. Since A\AM=B\BM and |U\UM|kd1+b, we get |S|2d+2b+k1, a contradiction.

(c) Assume the existence of a line Rn such that |RS|d+2. Let Mn be a general hyperplane containing R (so M=R if n=2 ). Since S is a finite set and M is a general hyperplane containing R, we have MS=RS. Since U is a general subset of n with cardinality kd2+b, no 3 of its points are collinear (and hence |UR|2) and UL=ø. Let Mn be a general hyperplane containing R (so M=R if n=2 ). Since S is a finite set and M is a general hyperplane containing R, we have MS=RS.

(c1) Assume h1(IS\SM(d1))>0. Since |S\SM||A|+|B|d23(d1)1, either there is a line R1 such that |R1(S\SM)|d+1 or there is a conic D1 such that |D1(S\SM)|2d. If R and R1 (resp. R and D1) are contained in a plane, and in particular if n=2, step (b) (resp. step (a)) gives a contradiction, because |S(RR1)|2d+3 (resp. |S(RD1)|3d+2). Thus we may assume that this is not the case and in particular we may assume n>2. Let N be a general hyperplane containing R1 (resp. D1). We use the residual exact sequence (). Note that S(MN)=S(RR1) (resp. S(MN)=S(RD1).

(c1.1) Assume h1(IS\S(MN)(d2))>0. We exclude the existence of D1, because |S(RD1)|3d+2 and hence |S\S(MN)|d1. Thus in this case we may assume the existence of R1. Since |S(RR1)|2d+3, we have |S\S(MN)||A|+|B|2d32(d2)+1. By [, Lemma 34] there is a line R2 such that |R2S\S(MN)|d. Let M be a general hyperplane containing R2. Consider the residual exact sequence of MMN. We have h1(IS\S(MNM)(d3))=0, because |S\S(MNM)|2kd2d1dd4. Either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\A(MNM)=B\B(MNM). Since M, N and M are general, we have S(MNM)=S(RR1R2). Since U is general, no 3 of the points of U are collinear. Thus |U(RR1R2)|6. Hence |A\A(MNM)|kd8+b. Since A\A(MNM)=B\B(MNM), we get |S(MNM)|2k2k+2d+162b. Hence 2d+162b3d+3, a contradiction.

(c1.2) Assume h1(IS\S(MN)(d2))=0. Either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\A(MN)=B\B(MN). Since U(MN)=U(RR1), we have |U\U(MN)|kd6+b. Assume for the moment L{R,R1}. We get |L(MN)|2. Thus |A\A(MN)|k+b8. Since A\A(MN)=B\B(MN), we get |S(MN)|16b<2d+3 (even when instead of |S| we take 2k ). Thus we may assume that either L=R or L=R. In both cases, writing D:=RR we are in the case solved in step (b1).

(c2) Assume h1(IS\SM(d1))=0. Either [, Lemma 5.1] or [, Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5] give A\AM=B\BM.

(c2.1) Assume R=L. We get U=A\AL=B\BL. Thus B=U(BL). Since νd(U)Y=ø, qvd(U)Y, qνd(U),qνd(Y) (because Uø) and νd(U)Y=ø, there are uniquely determined q1νd(U) and q2Y such that q{q1,q2}. The uniqueness of q2 gives q2=q. Since νd(U)Y=ø and qνd(A)νd(B), we get qνd(BL). Thus |BL|rY(q)=|AL|. Since |B||A| and A\AL=B\BL, we get |B|=|A| and B=UF with FU=ø and FS(Y,q). Thus the theorem is true in this case.

(c2.2) Assume RL. Since |LR|1, we get |ER|1. Since |UR|2, we get |AR|3 and hence |BR|d1>|AR|. Since A\AR=B\BR, we get |B|>|A|, a contradiction.□

4. Irredundantly spanning sets

Lemma 2.

If r+1dimXtr, then S(X,q,t)ø .

Proof. The case t=r+1dimX is an obvious consequence of the proof of [, Proposition 5.1]. Assume r+2dimXtr. Let Yr be the intersection of X and (t+dimXr1) general quadric hypersurfaces. By Bertini’s theorem Y is an integral and non-degenerate subvariety of r. Thus for any q we have S(X,q,t)S(Y,q,t). Since t=r+1dimY, we get S(Y,q,t)ø. □

Remark 3.

Let Xd, d4, be a rational normal curve. Fix qd such that rX(q)=2. Since any subset of X with cardinality at most d+1 is linearly independent, the definition of irredundantly spanning set gives S(X,q,t)=ø for all t such that 3td1.

Proof of .

Since a finite intersection of non-empty Zariski open subsets of r is open and non-empty and the interval (r+2)/2tr contains only finitely many integers, it is sufficient to prove the statement for a fixed t. The case t=r is true by . The case r even and t=r/2+1 is true by . Thus when r is even we may assume r/2+2tr. Since we saw that the case r=t is always true, we proved the proposition for r=4. Thus we may assume r5 and that the proposition is true for all curves in a lower dimensional projective space. Fix a general pX and call :r\{p}r1 the linear projection from p. Let Yr1 be the closure of (X\{p}) in r1. Y is an integral and non-degenerate curve. Since p is general in X, it is a smooth point of X and hence |X\{p} extends to a surjective morphism μ:XY with μ(p) associated to the tangent line of X at p. Thus Y=μ(X). By the trisecant lemma ([, Corollary 2.2]) and the generality of p we have deg(LX)2 for every line Lr such that pL. Hence |X\{p} is birational onto its image and there is a finite set FX containing p such that μ|X\F induces an isomorphism between X\F and Y\μ(F). Fix the integer t such that (r+2)/2tr and write z:=t1. By the inductive assumption and, if r is odd and t=(r+2)/2, applied to the projective space r1 there is a non-empty Zariski open subset V of r1 such that W(Y)q,z={q} for all qV. Fix aV and finitely many SiS(Y,a,z), 1ie, such that {a}=i=1eSi. Restricting if necessary V we may assume that (for a choice of sufficiently general S1(a),,Se(a)) we have Si(a)μ(F)=ø for all i and all a. Hence there is a unique Ai(a)X\F such that μ(Ai(a))=Si(a). Since pF, Bi(a):=Ai(a){p} has cardinality t, 1ie. Set Up:=1(V)r\{p}. For each aV, set La:={p}1(a). Each La is a line containing p, Up is the union of all La\{p}, aV, and La=i=1eBi(a). Fix aV and bLa\{p}. Note that each Bi(a) irredundantly spans b. Fix another general oX, op. We get in the similar way a set Uo. It is easy to check that Wq,t={q} for all qU0Up. Thus we may take =UpU0. □

5. Real varieties and real ranks

Up to now we worked over an algebraically closed field K with characteristic zero. In this section we take K=ℂ, but we consider varieties Xr defined over . Not only we fix the real structure of X but we assume that the embedding Xr is defined over . We call X() and r() the set of all complex points of X and r. For any qr() we have defined the X -rank rX(q) and the set S(X,q). In this section we write rX()(q) instead of rX(q) and S(X(),q) instead of S(X,q). Since X is defined over , the set X() of its real points is well-defined. Since the embedding Xr is defined over , we have X()=X()r(). Easy examples show that a nice X defined over may have X()=ø. For instance take the smooth plane conic C:={x02+x12+x32=0} (we have C()1()). Felix Klein proved that for every integer g0 there is a smooth curve X() of genus g defined over and with X()=ø ([, Proposition 3.1]). Thus the assumption that X() is large is necessary. We assume that X has a smooth point defined over (in symbols, we assume Xreg()ø ). Set n:=dimX=dimX(). The sets r() and X() also have a euclidean topology. With the euclidean topology Xreg() is a topological (and C ) manifold with pure dimension n and the assumption Xreg()ø says that this manifold is non-empty. The assumption Xreg()ø is equivalent to assuming that X() is Zariski dense in X(), because Sing(X()) is a union of complex varieties of dimension <n. For any set Sr() let S be the complex linear projective subspace of r() spanned by S, i.e. the linear space that in the previous sections we called S. For any Sr() we write S for the minimal real projective subspace of r() containing S. Since Sr() we have S=Sr(). Since X()=X()r(), X() is Zariski dense in X() and X() spans r(). Thus for each qr() the X()-rank (i.e. the minimal cardinality of a set SX() such that qS ) is a well-defined integer. For any qr() let S(X(),q) denote the set of all SX() such that qS and |S|=rX()(q). The interested reader may find the definition of a real semialgebraic set in [, §2.1]. The set S(X(),q) is semialgebraic ([, Proposition 2.2.7]). Set


We always have rX()(q)rX()(q) and in many cases the inequality is strict. For instance, when Xd, d3, is a degree d rational normal curve for each integer t such that (d+2)/2<td there is qr() such that rX()(q)=(d+2)/2 and rX()(q)=t []. See [] for definitions and many examples when X() is a smooth curve and [] for tensors and symmetric tensors. When rX()(q)=rX()(q) we have S(X(),q)S(X(),q) and hence Wq(X())Wq(X())r(). We give below an example with rX()(q)=rX()(q)=2, Wq(X()) a real line and Wq(X())={q} (see ).

Theorem 4.

Fix an even integer r2 . Let Xr be an integral and non-degenerate curve defined over and with Xreg()ø . There is a non-empty euclidean open subset Ur() such that rX()(q)=r/2+1 for all qU and {q}=SS(X(),q)S for all qU.

Note that we also get {q}=SS(X(),q)S, becauseSS(X(),q)S is defined over and hence its dimension as a complex projective space is the dimension of the real projective space (SS(X(),q)S)r()=SS(X(),q)S.

Remark 4.

We recall that the Zariski topology of r() (i.e. the topology in which the closed sets are the intersection with r() of a Zariski closed subset of r() ) may be defined by taking as closed subsets the zero-loci of real homogeneous polynomials. Non-empty euclidean open subsets of r() are Zariski dense. To show that in we cannot take as U a Zariski open subset of r() it is sufficient to find a curve Xr with Xreg()ø and with two different typical ranks. By [] one can take the rational normal curve of r, r4.

Before proving we describe in the next remark the topology of the real part X() of an integral projective curve defined over .

Remark 5.

Let X() be an integral projective curve defined over . Let η:Y()X() denote the normalization map. Both Y() and η are defined over and hence Y() is well-defined and η(Y())X(). Since η is an isomorphism over Xreg(), Xreg() is essentially Y() minus a finite set. Call g the genus of Y(). F. Klein described the possible real parts Y() of genus g smooth curve defined over ([, Proposition 3.1]). Topologically Y() is the union of k pairwise disjoint circles, with k an integer between 0.and g+1. Thus the topological space X() is obtained from Y() by an equivalence relation which only identifies finitely many finite subsets of Y() and then, sometimes, one adds to η(Y()) finitely many isolated real points of Sing(X()), each of them the image of two complex conjugate points of Y()\Y(). Thus X() is finite (and hence not Zariski dense in X()) if and only if Y()=ø, i.e. if and only if Xreg()=ø.

Proof of .

Since Xreg()ø, there is a set JX() homeomorphic to a non-empty open interval of for the euclidean topology (). Since J is infinite, it is Zariski dense in X(). As in the proof of let Vr() be a non-empty Zariski open subset such that rX()(q)=r/2+1 for all qV. The set σ(V) is Zariski open in r(). Since X() is defined over , we have rX()(q)=r/2+1 for all qV. Set V:=(Vσ(V))r(). The set V is a non-empty Zariski open subset of r(). Call Jr/2+1 the set of all subset SJ such that |S|=r/2+1 and S(Vσ(V)). Since rX()(q)=r/2+1 for each qVσ(V), each SJr/2+1 is linearly independent. Since Vσ(V) is open, we have SJr/2+1 if and only SVø. We get a euclidean open subset U1 of V taking the interior of the union of all sets SV for some SJr/2+1. To get {q}=SS(X(),q)S for all qU we need to restrict the euclidean open set U1 in the following way. Fix qU1 and take SS(X(),q). We run the proof of with this set S and get a curve XS defined over and, using it, a set AS defined over . We only need to restrict U1 so that for qU the set AS is defined and SAS={q}.□

Example 1.

Fix an integer r3. Let Y()r+1() be the degree r+1 rational normal curve. Let σ denote the complex conjugation of r+1() and r(). Fix p1,p2Y() such that p1p2 and p3Y()\Y(). Set p4:=σ(p3). We may take homogeneous coordinates z0,,zr+1 of r+1() and r+1() such that p3=[1:a1::an+1] with ai for all i and ai for at least one i. Set o1:=[1:Re(a1)::Re(ar+1)] and o2:=[1:Im(a1)::Im(ar+1)]. We have oir+1() and o1o2, because p3r+1(). Since r2, oiX(). We have |{p1,p2,p3,p4}|=4 and hence {p1,p2,p3,p4} is a 3. -dimensional complex linear subspace. Since σ({p1,p2,p3,p4})={p1,p2,p3,p4}, the linear space {p1,p2,p3,p4} is defined over , i.e.{p1,p2,p3,p4}r+1() is a 3-dimensional real linear space (it is the real linear space {p1,p2,o1,o2} ). Fix o{p1,p2,o1,o2} such that o is not in the linear span of any proper subset of {p1,p2,o1,o2}. Let o:r+1()\{o}r() denote the linear projection from o. Since or+1(), o is defined over and o1(r())=r+1()\{o}. By Sylvester’s theorem we have oσ2(Y()). Thus X():=o(Y()) is a smooth and non-degenerate rational curve defined over . Since Y()ø, we have X()ø. The complex linear space V:=o({p1,p2,o1,o2}) is a plane containing exactly 4 points of X() (the points o(p1), o(p2), o(p3) and o(p4)), because any r+2 points of Y() are linearly independent. Set L:={o(p1),o(p2)} and R:={o(p1),o(p2)}. Since LR and dimV, the set LR is a unique point, q. Since σ(L)=L and σ(R)=R, we have σ(q)=q, i.e. qr(). Since qX() and o(p1),o(p2)X(), we have rX()(q)=2 and hence rX()(q)=2. Since {o(p1),o(p2)}, {o(p3),o(p4)}S(X(),q), we have Wq(X())={q}. Using that any r+2 elements of Y() are linearly independents, we get that {o(p1),o(p2)} and {o(p3),o(p4)} are the only elements of S(X(),q). Thus Wq(X())={o(p1),o(p2)} is a line. Since S(X(),q)={o(p1),o(p2)}, q is X()-identifiable. This is not the first example of some qr() which is identifiable over , but not over [].



The author was partially supported by MIUR and GNSAGA of INdAM (Italy).


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Declaration of Competing Interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.The publisher wishes to inform readers that the article “Reconstruction of a homogeneous polynomial from its additive decompositions when identifiability fails” was originally published by the previous publisher of the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences and the pagination of this article has been subsequently changed. There has been no change to the content of the article. This change was necessary for the journal to transition from the previous publisher to the new one. The publisher sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused. To access and cite this article, please use Ballico, E. (2019), “Reconstruction of a homogeneous polynomial from its additive decompositions when identifiability fails”, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 41-52. The original publication date for this paper was 13/09/2019.

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