Approximative K-atomic decompositions and frames in Banach spaces

Shah Jahan

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 5 April 2018

Issue publication date: 31 August 2020



L. Gǎvruţa (2012) introduced a special kind of frames, named K-frames, where K is an operator, in Hilbert spaces, which is significant in frame theory and has many applications. In this paper, first of all, we have introduced the notion of approximative K-atomic decomposition in Banach spaces. We gave two characterizations regarding the existence of approximative K-atomic decompositions in Banach spaces. Also some results on the existence of approximative K-atomic decompositions are obtained. We discuss several methods to construct approximative K-atomic decomposition for Banach Spaces. Further, approximative d-frame and approximative d-Bessel sequence are introduced and studied. Two necessary conditions are given under which an approximative d-Bessel sequence and approximative d-frame give rise to a bounded operator with respect to which there is an approximative K-atomic decomposition. Example and counter example are provided to support our concept. Finally, a possible application is given.



Jahan, S. (2020), "Approximative K-atomic decompositions and frames in Banach spaces", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 153-166.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Shah Jahan


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1. Introduction and preliminaries

Fourier transform has been a major tool in analysis for over a century. It has a serious lacking for signal analysis in which it hides its phase information concerning the moment of emission and duration of a signal. What actually needed was a localized time frequency representation which has this information encoded in it. In 1946, Dennis Gabor [] filled this gap and formulated a fundamental approach to signal decomposition in terms of elementary signals. On the basis of this development, in 1952, Duffin and Schaeffer [] introduced frames for Hilbert spaces to study some deep problems in non-harmonic Fourier series. In fact, they abstracted the fundamental notion of Gabor for studying signal processing. Let H be a real (or complex) separable Hilbert space with inner product .,.. A countable sequence {fk}H is called a frame for the Hilbert space H, if there exist positive constants A,B>0 such that


The positive numbers A and B are called the lower and upper frame bounds of the frame, respectively. These bounds are not unique. The inequality in is called the frame inequality of the frame. If {fn} is a frame for H then the following operators are associated with it.

  1. (a)

    Pre-frame operator T:l2()H is defined as T{cn}n=1=k=1cnfn,{cn}n=1l2().

  2. (b)

    Analysis operator T:Hl2(),Tf={f,fk}k=1fH.

  3. (c)

    Frame operator S=TT=:HH,Sf=k=1f,fkfk,fH. The frame operator S is bounded, linear and invertible on H. Thus, a frame for H allows each vector in H to be written as a linear combination of the elements in the frame, but the linear independence between the elements is not required; i.e for each vector fH we have,


For more details related to frames and Riesz bases in Hilbert spaces, one may refer to []. These ideas did not generate much interest outside of non-harmonic Fourier series and signal processing for more than three decades until Daubechies et al. [] reintroduced frames. After this landmark paper the theory of frames begin to be studied widely and found many applications to wavelet and Gabor transforms in which frames played an important role. Feichtinger and Gröcheing [] extended the idea of Hilbert frames to Banach spaces and called it atomic decomposition. A more general concept called Banach frame was introduced by Gröcheing [] and were further studied in []. Banach frames were developed for the theory of frames in the context of Gabor and Wavelet analysis. Christensen and Heil [] studied some perturbation results for Banach frames and atomic decompositions.

In particular, frames which are widely used in sampling theory in [] amount to the construction of Banach frames consisting of reproducing kernels for a large class of shift invariant spaces. Aldroubi et al. [] used Banach frames in various irregular sampling problems. Eldar and Forney [] used tight frames for quantum measurement. Gröchenig [] emphasized that localization of a frame is a necessary condition for its extension to a Banach frame for the associated Banach spaces. He also observed that localized frames are universal Banach frames for the associated family of Banach spaces. Fornasier [] studied Banach frames for α-modulation spaces. In fact, he gave a Banach frame characterization for the α-modulation spaces. Shah et al. [] defined and studied Banach frames to a new geometric notation; in fact they gave a sufficient condition and a necessary condition for a cone associated with a Banach frame to be a generating cone.

Casazza et al. [] studied d-frames and d-Bessel sequences in Banach spaces. Stoeva [] gave some perturbation results for d-frames and atomic decompositions. Kaushik and Sharma [] studied approximative atomic decompositions in Banach spaces. For further studies related to approximative frame one may refer []. Gavruta [], introduced and studied atomic system for an operator K and the notion of K-frame in a Hilbert space, see also []. Frames for operators in Banach spaces were further studied in []. Xiao et al. [] discussed relationship between K-frames and ordinary frames in Hilbert spaces. Poumai and Jahan [] introduced K-atomic decompositions in Banach spaces.

Outline of the paper. In this paper, we have introduced the notion of approximative K-atomic decomposition in Banach spaces. We gave two characterizations regarding the existence of approximative K-atomic decompositions in Banach spaces. Also some results on the existence of approximative K-atomic decompositions are obtained. We discuss several methods to construct approximative K-atomic decomposition for Banach Spaces. Further, approximative d-frame and approximative d-Bessel sequence are introduced and studied. Two necessary conditions are given under which an approximative d-Bessel sequence and approximative d-frame give rise to bounded operators with respect to which there is an approximative K-atomic decomposition. Example and counter example are provided to support our concept of approximative K-atomic decomposition. Finally, we gave a possible application of our work.

Next we give some basic notations. Throughout this paper, will denote a separable Banach space over the scalar field K( or ), the dual space of , d a BK-space and L(,) will denote the space of all bounded linear operators from into . For TL(), T denotes the adjoint of T, π: is the natural canonical projection from onto . Also T denote the pseudo inverse of the operator T. Note that TTf=f for all fR(K). Throughout R(K) is closed.

A sequence space S is called a BK-space if it is a Banach space and the co-ordinate functionals are continuous on S. That is the relations xn={αj(n)}, x={αj}S, limnxn=x imply limnαj(n)=αj(j=1,2,3,).

Definition 1.1. ([). Let be a Banach space and d be a BK-space. A sequence (xn,fn)({xn},{fn}) is called an atomic decomposition for with respect to d if the following statements hold:

  1. (a)

    {fn(x)}d, for all x.

  2. (b)

    There exist constants A and B with 0<AB< such that


  3. (c)

    x=n=1fn(x)xn, for all x.

Next, we state some lemmas which we will use in the subsequent results.

Lemma 1.2. ([). Let , be Banach spaces and T: be a bounded linear operator. Then, the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. (a)

    There exist two continuous projection operators P: and Q: such that


  2. (b)

    T has a pseudo inverse operator T.

If two continuous projection operators P: and Q: satisfy (), then there exists a pseudo inverse operatorT of T such that TT=IP and TT=Q, where I is the identity operator on .

Lemma 1.3. ([). Let be a Banach space. If TL() has a generalized inverse SL(), then TS, ST are projections and TS()=T() and ST()=S().

Lemma 1.4. ([). Let be a Banach space and {fn} be a sequence such that {x:fn(x)=0,foralln}={0}. Then is linearly isometric to the Banach space d={{fn(x)}:x}, where the norm is given by ||{fn(x)}||d=||x||, x.

2. Main results

Poumai and Jahan [] defined and studied K-atomic decomposition as a generalization of K-frames in Banach spaces. Here we shall extend this study further and introduce the concept of approximative K-atomic decomposition in Banach spaces and obtain new and interesting results. We start this section with the following definition of approximative K-atomic decomposition:

Definition 2.1. Let be a Banach Space and d be a BK-space, {xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn, where {mn} is an increasing sequence of positive integer and KL(). A pair ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is called an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d, if the following statements hold:

  1. (a)

    {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd, for all x.

  2. (b)

    There exist constants A and B with 0<AB< such that


  3. (c)

    limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi converges for all x and


The constants A and B are called lower and upper bounds of the approximative K-atomic decomposition ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn).

Observation. If ({xn},{fn}) is a K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d, then for hn,i=fi,i=1,2,,n,n, ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to some associated Banach space d.

Remark 2.2. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B.

  1. (I).

    If K=I, then ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B.

  2. (II).

    If K is invertible, then (K1({xn}),{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

In the following example, we show the existence of approximative K-atomic decomposition for a Banach space with respect to an associated BK space d.

Example 2.3. Let be a Banach Space. Let {xn}, {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn such that limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi converges for all x and xn0, for all nN. Also, let d={{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn|limni=1mnhn,ixiconverges}. Then Xd is a BK-space with norm ||{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn||d=sup1n<||i=1nhn,ixi||. Define an operator as T:d as T{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn=limni=1mnhn,ixi and define S:d as S(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn,x. Take K=TS. Then K: is such that K(x)=TS(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi, for all x,i=1,2,,n,n. Clearly, {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd and

where C=sup1n<Sn and Sn(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi.

Hence, ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

In the following result, we give the characterization regarding the existence of approximative K-atomic decompositions in Banach spaces.

Theorem 2.4. Let KL() with K0. Then a Banach space has an approximative K-atomic decomposition if and only if there exists a sequence {vi}B() of finite rank endomorphism such that K(x)=i=1nvi(x),x.

Proof. Let {xn} and {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn, where {mn} is an increasing sequence of positive integer such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. Define

Sn(x)=i=1mnhn,i(x)xi,for allx,n.

Then for each n and x, Sn(x) is a well defined continuous linear mapping on such that limnSn(x)=x,x. Also by uniform boundedness principle we have sup1nSn(x)<. Assume that v1=S1, v2n=v2n+1=12(Sn+1Sn), n. Now, we compute


Therefore, limni=1nvi(x)=K(x).

Conversely assume that there exists a sequence of finite rank endomorphism {Sn}L() such that limnSn(x)=K(x),x. Then, each Sn(x) is of a finite rank, there exist a sequence {yn,i}i=mn1+1mn and a total sequence of row finite matrix of functionals {gn,i}i=mn1+1mn such that

Define sequences {xn} and {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn, where {mn} is an increasing sequence of positive integers, by

Then xn0, so for each x and n, we get

Let x be such that hn,i(x)=0,foralli=1,2,,mn,n. Then by K(x)=0. Thus by Lemma 1.4 there exists an associated Banach space d={{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,x} with norm given by {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnnd=x,forallx. Hence ({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,{xn}) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. □

Next, we give an example of an approximative K-atomic decomposition for which is not an approximative atomic decomposition for .

Example 2.5. Let =c0andd=l. Let {xn} be the sequence of standard unit vectors in and {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn be such that for x={αn},hn,1(x)=0,hn,2(x)=α2,,hn,i(x)=αn,. It is clear that limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi converges for x. Define K: by K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi,x. Then {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd is such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. But ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is not an approximative atomic decomposition for .

Next, we give various methods for the construction of approximative K-atomic decompositions for .

Theorem 2.6. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B. Let KL() with K0. Then ({Kxn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds AK and B.

Proof. ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B. So for each x, we have x=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi. This implies K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)K(xi). Also, we have K(x)Kx, for all x. This gives


Theorem 2.7. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B. Let KL() with K0. Then ({xn},{Khn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and BK.

Proof. Construction of proof is similar to .

Theorem 2.8. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B and let TL() with T0. Then ({Txn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative TK-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds AT and B.

Proof. Can be easily proved with the help of .

Theorem 2.9. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B and let TL() with T0. Then ({xn},{Thn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative KT-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and BT.

Proof. One can easily prove. □

Theorem 2.10. If ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d and K has pseudo inverse K, then there exists ({gn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) such that ({xn},{gn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and BK2.

Proof. Since ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d, then for each x we have


Also, for each x, we have


For each n, define gn,i=(KK)(hn,i),i=1,2,3,,mnn. Then


Hence, we conclude that ({xn},{gn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. □

3. Approximative d-frame

Casazza et al. [] defined and studied d-Bessel sequences and d-frames in Banach spaces. Later on Stoeva [] studied perturbation of d-Bessel sequences, d-frames, atomic decomposition and d-Riesz bases in separable Banach spaces. We have generalized this concept and defined approximative d-Bessel sequences and approximative d-frames in Banach spaces. We begin this section with the following definitions:

Definition 3.1. A sequence {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn, where {mn} is an increasing sequence of positive integers, is called an approximative d-frame for if

  1. (a)

    {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd, for all x.

  2. (b)

    There exist constants A and B with 0<AB< such that


The constants A and B are called approximative d-frame bounds. If at least (a) and the upper bound condition in are satisfied, then {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn is called an approximative d-Bessel sequence for .

One may note that if {fn} is an d-frame for , then for {hn,i}=fi,i=1,2,3,,n;n, {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn is an approximative d-frame for . Also, note that if {fn} is an d-Bessel sequence for , then for {hn,i}=fi,i=1,2,3,,n;n, {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn is an approximative d-Bessel sequence for .

In the next two results, we give necessary conditions under which an approximative d-frame gives rise to a bounded operator K with respect to which there is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for .

Theorem 3.2. Let {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn be an approximative d-frame for with bounds A and B. Let{xn} with sup1n<xn< and let limni=1mn|hn,i(x)|<, for all x. Then there exists an operator KL() such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

Proof. Since {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn is an approximative d-frame for with sup1n<xn< and limni=1mn|hn,i(x)|<. Then, by , we have limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi exist for all x,n.

Define K: by K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi,x. Then K is a bounded linear operator such that

where C=sup1n<i=1mnhn,i(x)xi. Thus

Hence, ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds AC and B. □

Theorem 3.3. Let {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn be an approximative d-frame with bounds A, B and let {xn}. Let T:d given by T({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn)=limni=1mnhn,ixi be a well defined operator. Then, there exists a linear operator KL() such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

Proof. Define U:d by U(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn,x. Then U is well defined and UB. Take K=TU. Then K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi,x. Therefore, by uniform boundedness principle, we have

where C=sup1n<i=1mnhn,i(x)xi. Thus, we have
ACK(x){hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnBx,for allx.

Hence ({xn},{hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds AC and B. □

Next, we give the existence of an approximative K-atomic decomposition from an approximative d-Bessel sequence.

Theorem 3.4. Let be a reflexive Banach space and d be a BK-space which has a sequence of canonical unit vectors {en} as a basis. Let {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn be an approximatived-Bessel sequence with bound B and let {xn}. If {h(xn)}(d) for all h, then there exists a bounded linear operator KL() such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

Proof. Clearly U:d given by U(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn,x is well defined. Define a map R:(d) by R(h)={h(xn)},x. Then, its adjoint R:(d) is given by R(ej)(h)=ej(R(h))=h(xj). Let T=(R)|d and {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnnd. Then


But {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn,d. So T({hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi. Take K=TU. Then KL() and K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi. Moreover, T is a bounded linear operator such that K(x)T{hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn. Hence


Next, we construct an approximative K-atomic decomposition for from a given approximative K-atomic decomposition for .

Theorem 3.5. Let d be a BK-space with dual (d) and let d and(d) have sequences of canonical unit vectors {en}and{vn} respectively as bases. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. Let S:d given by S({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn)=limni=1mnhn,ixi be a well defined mapping. Then, ({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,π(xn)) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to (d).

Proof. Since ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d, so for each x, K(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi. Thus h(K(x))=limni=1mnhn,i(x)h(xi). Therefore, by Theorem 2.4 we have limni=1mnh(xi)hn,i exists for all h. Also, for x, we compute


This gives K(h)=limni=1mnh(xi)hn,i, for h. Note that S(h)(ej)=h(S(ej))=h(xj),h. So, S(h)={h(xn)} and {h(xn)}={h(S(en))}(d),h. Also


Define R:d by R(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn,x. Then, R(vj)(x)=vj(R(x))=hj,i(x),x. So, R(vj)=hj,i, for all j and for {gn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn(d) we have

Therefore, we have
Note that, K=RS and so

This gives

Hence, ({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,π(xn)) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to (d). □

Next, we give the following result characterizing the class of approximative K-atomic decompositions.

Theorem 3.6. Let ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to d with bounds A and B. Let T:d given by T({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn)=limni=1mnhn,ixi is well defined for {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd and let U:d be the mapping given by U(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn. If K is invertible, then the following statements are equivalent.

  1. (a)

    T is the pseudo inverse of U.

  2. (b)

    ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

  3. (c)

    T is a linear extension of U1:U().

  4. (d)

    U() is a complemented subspace of d.

  5. (e)

    KerT is a complemented subspace of d and T is surjective.

Proof. (a)(b) By hypothesis, {x:hn,i(x)=0,foralln}={0}. So, KerU={0}. Since T is the pseudo inverse of U, by Lemma 1.2 there exists a continuous projection operator θ: such that TU=Iθ and kerU=θ(). Thus, for each x, we have


Hence, for every x, limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi=x.

(b)(a) For x, we have


Hence, UTU=U.

(c)(b) If T is a linear extension of U1:U(), then TU: is the identity map on . So, TU(x)=x and limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi=x.

(c)(a) Obvious, since UTU=UI=U.

(d)(b) Suppose d=U()G, where G is a closed subspace of d. Let P be a projection of d onto U() along G.

Then, P({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn)={gn,i(limni=1mnhn,ixi)}, for all {hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnnd. Therefore


This gives, T=U1P and

Hence, x=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi, for all x.

(b)(d) Obvious.

(e)(b) Let d=kerTM, where M is a closed subspace of d. Take ϒ=kerTU(). Let Q:dM be a projection from d onto M along kerT. Define L:dϒ by L(α)=(αQ(α),UT(α)), for α={hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnnd. Let L(α)=0. This gives Q(α)=α. So αM. Let UT(α)=0. Then


This gives limni=1mnhn,ixi=0 and so, αkerT. Thus, αkerTM={0}. Hence, L is one–one.

Let (α0,U(x))kerTU(), for α0kerU and U(x)U().

Since, T is onto, for each x, there exists βd such that T(β)=x and this gives UT(β)=U(x). Take α=α0+Q(β). Then Q(α)=Q(α0)+Q2(β)=Q(β) and α0=αQ(α). Also, we have


Thus L(α)=(α0,UT(x)) and L is an isomorphism from d onto ϒ. So, there is a projection P=UT:dU() onto U() along kerT. This gives


Finally, we compute


Therefore, ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

(b)(e) Obvious. □

In the following result, we prove a duality type approximative K-atomic decomposition for .

Theorem 3.7. Let d be a reflexive BK-space with its dual (d) and let sequences of canonical unit vectors {en}and{vn} be bases for d and(d), respectively. Let ({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,π(xn)) be an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to (d). If S:(d)X given by S({di})=limni=1mndihn,i is well defined for {di}d, then there exists a linear operator LL() such that ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative L-atomic decomposition for with respect to d.

Proof. Since ({hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn,π(xn)) is an approximative K-atomic decomposition for with respect to (d). For h, we have K(h)=limni=1mnh(xi)hn,i. Also, by Theorem 2.4 we have limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi exist, for all x. Define L: by L(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi,x. Note that S(vn)=hn,i,i=1,2,3,,mnn and for x, the linear bounded operator S:(d) satisfies

So, {hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn is identified with S(π(x))(d)=d. Further, we have

Letting U=S|, we have U(x)={hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnn and US.

Define R:(d) by R(f)={h(xn)},h. Then


So, R(ej)=xj,forallj. Take T=(R)|d. Then, for{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnnd we compute


Thus, TU(x)=limni=1mnhn,i(x)xi, for all x and this gives TU=L on . Therefore, 1TL(x){hn,i(x)}i=1,2,3,,mnnd. Then


Hence, ({xn},{hn,i}i=1,2,3,,mnn) is an approximative L-atomic decomposition for with respect to d. □

4. Possible application

One of the most important devices in modern world is digital camera. In our notation a digital picture is a two-dimensional sequence, {hnm}. So, it can be seen either as an infinite length sequence with a finite number of non-zeros samples; that is {hnm},n,m, or as a sequence with domain n{0,1,2,,N1}, m{0,1,2,,M1}, can be expressed as a matrix:

where each elements hnm is called a pixel and the image has NM pixels. In real life for hn,m to represent colour image, it must have more than one component, usually, red, green and blue components are used (RGB colour space).


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The author would like to thank referees whose reports led to an improvement in the presentation of this manuscript. The publisher wishes to inform readers that the article “Approximative K-atomic decompositions and frames in Banach spaces” was originally published by the previous publisher of the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences and the pagination of this article has been subsequently changed. There has been no change to the content of the article. This change was necessary for the journal to transition from the previous publisher to the new one. The publisher sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused. To access and cite this article, please use Jahan, S. (2019), “Approximative K-atomic decompositions and frames in Banach spaces”, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 153-166. The original publication date for this paper was 08/04/2019.

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