The initial value problem for a semi-linear high-order heat equation is investigated. In the focusing case, global well-posedness and exponential decay are obtained. In the focusing sign, global and non global existence of solutions are discussed via the potential well method.
Saanouni, T. (2020), "Remarks on the critical nonlinear high-order heat equation", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 127-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajmsc.2019.03.002
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019, Tarek Saanouni
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
Consider the Cauchy problem for a high-order nonlinear heat equation
Higher-order semi-linear and quasilinear diffusion operators occur in applications in thin film theory, non-linear diffusion and lubrication theory, flame and wave propagation, and phase transition at critical Lifschitz points and bistable systems (e.g., the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation and the extended Fisher–Kolmogorov equation). See models and references [16].
Here and hereafter
In the classical case
See [11] for exponential type non-linearity in two space dimensions.
This manuscript seems to be one of few works treating well-posedness issues of the nonlinear high-order heat equation in the energy space [2,8,9,17].
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, global well-posedness and exponential decay are established in the defocusing case. Second, in the focusing sign, global and non global existence of solutions are discussed via potential-well method. Comparing with the classical case, we need to operate with various modification due to the high-order Laplacian.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to the main results and some tools needed in the sequel. Section 3 deals with local well-posedness of (1.1). Section 4 contains a proof of global existence of solutions in the critical case with small data. Section 5 deals with the associated stationary problem. Section 6 is about global and non global existence of solutions with data in some stable sets in the spirit of Payne and Sattinger [15]. In the last one, the existence of infinitely many non global solutions near the ground state is proved.
We mention that
Finally, if
2. Background and main results
In this section we give the main results and some technical tools needed in the sequel.
2.1 Main results
Results proved in this paper are listed in what follows.
First, we deal with local well-posedness of the heat problem (1.1) in the energy space.
; , for any ;if
, then(a)
is unique in(b)if
, then and(c)if
, then and there exists such that
In the critical case, for small data, there exists a global solution to (1.1).
The following quantity will be called constraint
Take the minimizing problem under constraint
For easy notation, set
We call a ground state to (1.1) any solution to
The existence of ground state is claimed.
Denote the spaces
and , then and for any time . Moreover, for small , there exists such that(2)if
, then blows-up in finite time.
The last result concerns instability by blow-up for stationary solutions to the heat problem (1.1). Indeed, near ground state, there exist infinitely many data giving non global solutions.
2.2 Tools
Let us collect some classical estimates needed forward this manuscript. We start with some technical results about the high-order heat equation. Some useful properties of the free heat kernel are gathered in what follows.
Denoting the free operator associated to the high-order heat equation
is the solution to the problem (1.1);(2)
Let us recall the so-called Strichartz estimate [20].
A couple of real numbers
Proof. Compute
The proof is finished via Theorem 1.2 in [12]. ■
Using the above computation via Young inequality, the following smoothing effect yields.
There exists a positive constant
The following Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality is useful throughout the manuscript [14].
In the critical case, recall some properties of the best constant of Sobolev injection [5,6].
Let us give an abstract result.
Proof. The function
We close this subsection with a classical result about ordinary differential equations.
Proof. Assume the existence of such a function. Then
Integrating on
which implies that
3. Local well-posedness
This section is devoted to proving Theorem 2.1 about local well-posedness of the high-order heat problem (1.1). The result follows by a standard fixed point argument. Take the admissible couple
Proof. For
endowed with the complete distance
Take the function
We prove that
we get by Sobolev injection
Thanks to Strichartz estimate
Applying the previous inequality for
Write now, for
Take the real numbers
Taking account of Sobolev embedding
Proof. Take
This completes the proof. ■
Let us prove unconditional uniqueness in the sub-critical case. Take
The sub-critical condition implies that
Now, for
Let us prove that the maximal solution of (1.1) is global in the sub-critical defocusing case. The global existence is a consequence of the energy decay and previous calculations. Let
Using the same arguments of local existence, we can find a real
Let us prove that
Denoting the quantity
On the other hand, for
Thus, for some positive real number
This implies that, for
Taking account of the monotonicity of the energy, for large
The proof is finished.
4. Global well-posedness in the critical case
This section is devoted to prove Theorem 2.2 about global well-posedness of the critical high-order heat type equation (1.1). Denote the norms
Let us start with an intermediary result.
The following continuous injection holds.
Proof. Write
Take the critical case
there exists a unique solution
Proof. First, we establish the existence of a local solution to (1.1) by a fixed point argument. For
endowed with the complete distance
Take the function
Let us prove that for some positive
We establish that
On the other hand
Always using Strichartz estimate
Using Faa-di bruno [4] identities, we get
Taking the choice
it follows that
Thus, with Hölder inequality
With Sobolev injection, yields
This finishes the stability of
Then, using Lemma 4.1, we get
This proves the contraction via taking small
Now, let us prove global existence.
By Strichartz estimate, if
The proof is closed via Lemma 2.14.
Let us finish this section by proving the decay of solutions. Using the previous proposition, it follows that
Using previous computation and denoting
Thanks to the smoothing effect (2.3), the decay is proved.
5. Existence of a ground state
The goal of this section is to prove that the elliptic problem
With a direct calculation
Denote the quadratic part and the nonlinear parts of
Note that,
in this section
;the proof of Theorem 2.2 is based on several Lemmas;
in this section, we write, for easy notation,
and .
We have
, for all ; is increasing.
Proof. Compute
Now, since
The first point of the Lemma follows. The last point is a consequence of the equality
The next intermediate result is the following.
Proof. Since
The last auxiliary result of this section reads as follows.
Proof. Let
The proof is closed. ■
Proof of Theorem 2.4
sub-critical case. Let
be a minimizing sequence, namely
First step:
is bounded in . First case . Then
This contradiction achieves this case. Second case
Second step:
Taking account of the compact injection of the radial Sobolev space
Assume that
By Lemma 5.3,
With lower semi continuity of
is a solution to (2).
Now, there is a Lagrange multiplier
With a previous computation
(2)Critical case. Define the mass less action
and the operator
So, there exists
Taking the scaling
is known [16] to be attained by the following explicit
which solves the mass less equation
6. Invariant sets and applications
This section is devoted to establish Theorem 2.5. The proof is based on two auxiliary results.
The sets
Proof. Take
Since by the definition,
The sets
Proof. Take
Proof of the first part of Theorem 2.5. Using the two previous Lemmas via a translation argument, we can assume that
for any . Taking account of the definition of , we get
This implies, via decay of the equality
Now, we prove an exponential decay. For small
On the other hand
Moreover, for
Thus, for some positive real number
This implies that, for
Taking account of the monotonicity of the energy, for large
(2)Proof of the second part of Theorem 2.4. Using the two previous Lemmas via a translation argument, we can assume that
for any and any . Take the real function
Using Eq. (1.1), a direct computation gives
We discuss two cases.
(a)First case:
. For any ,
Thus, for any
On the other hand,
The choice
Thanks to Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, it follows that
Indeed, if
Taking account of Proposition 2.15, for some finite time
(b)Second case:
. Compute
So, thanks to the identity
Now, the proof goes by contradiction assuming that
There exists
Indeed, otherwise
For any
One can choose
Indeed, we have
Thanks to Proposition 2.15, this ordinary differential inequality blows up in finite time and contradicts our assumption that the solution is global. This ends the proof.
7. Strong instability
This section is devoted to prove Theorem 2.5 about strong instability of stationary solutions to (1.1). Take here and hereafter
if and only if ;(3)
for and for ;(4)
is concave on ;(5)
Proof. With direct computations, we have
which proves
A monotonicity argument via the inequality
Proof. By Lemma 7.1, we have
Moreover, thanks to the decay of energy, it follows that for any
Now, we are ready to prove the instability result.
Then, using Theorem 2.5, it follows that
The proof is finished via the fact that
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