On abstract Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations with boundary conditions

Sabri T.M. Thabet (Department of Mathematics, University of Aden, Aden, Yemen)
Bashir Ahmad (Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NAAM)-Research Group, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Ravi P. Agarwal (Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas, USA)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 14 March 2019

Issue publication date: 31 August 2020



In this paper, we study a Cauchy-type problem for Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations with boundary conditions. The existence of solutions for the given problem is proved by applying measure of noncompactness technique in an abstract weighted space. Moreover, we use generalized Gronwall inequality with singularity to establish continuous dependence and uniqueness of ϵ-approximate solutions.



Thabet, S.T.M., Ahmad, B. and Agarwal, R.P. (2020), "On abstract Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations with boundary conditions", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 107-125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajmsc.2019.03.001



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Sabri T.M. Thabet, Bashir Ahmad and Ravi P. Agarwal


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction

Fractional calculus has emerged as a powerful tool to study complex phenomena in numerous scientific and engineering disciplines such as viscoelasticity, fluid mechanics, physics and heat conduction in materials with memory. For examples and applications, see [2,14,17–21] and references cited therein. Many authors focused on Riemann–Liouville and Caputo type derivatives in investigating fractional differential equations. In [7], Hilfer introduced a new concept of generalized Riemann–Liouville derivative (Hilfer derivative) of order α and type β. This definition facilitated dynamic modeling of non-equilibrium processes based on interpolation with respect to parameter of the Riemann–Liouville and Caputo type operators; for instance, see [1,4,6,8,10,11].

Furati et al. [6] established the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the problem:

by applying Banach fixed point theorem in weighted space C1γγ[J,]. Abbas et al. [1] discussed the above problem by using Kuratowski measure of noncompactness.

Motivated by the works [1,6], we will study a more general problem of Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations with boundary conditions given by

where Da+α,β is the left-sided Hilfer fractional derivative of order α and type β, f:J×X×XX, X is an abstract Banach space, u,v,w,u+v0, and S is a linear integral operator defined by (Sy)(t)=atk(t,s)y(s)ds with ζ=max{atk(t,s)ds:(t,s)J×J}, k(J×J,).

This article is constructed as follows: In Section 2, we recall some preliminaries. Section 3 contains the existence result obtained by using measure of noncompactness and Mönch fixed point theorem. We discuss the ϵ-approximate solution of Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equations in Section 4.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we present some necessary definitions, notations and preliminaries, which will be used throughout this work.

For <a<b<, let C[J,X] denote the space of all continuous functions on J into X endowed with supremum norm xC:=sup{x(t):tJ}. Define by C1γ[J,X]={f(x):(a,b]X|(xa)1γf(x)C[J,X]} the weighted space of the abstract continuous functions. Obviously, C1γ[J,X] is a Banach space equipped with the norm fC1γ=(xa)1γf(x)C, and C1γn[J,X]={fCn1[J,X]:f(n)C1γ[J,X]} is the Banach space endowed with the norm

where, C1γ0:=C1γ
Definition 2.1

(See [13]). The left-sided Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order α>0 of function f:[a,) is defined by

where a and Γ is the Gamma function.
Definition 2.2

(See [13]). The left-sided Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative of order α(n1,n] of function f:[a,), is defined by

where n=[α]+1,[α] denotes the integer part of α.
Remark 2.1.

If f is an abstract function with values in X, then the integrals appearing in Definitions 2.1 and 2.2 are taken in Bochner’s sense.

Definition 2.3

(See [7]). The left-sided Hilfer fractional derivative of order 0<α<1 and type 0β1, of function f(t) is defined by

where D:=ddt.
Remark 2.2

(See [7]). From Definition 2.3, we observe that:

  1. (i)

    the operator Da+α,β can be written as


  2. (ii)

    The Hilfer fractional derivative can be regarded as an interpolator between the Riemann–Liouville derivative (β=0) and Caputo derivative (β=1) as


In the forthcoming analysis, we need the spaces:


Since Da+α,βf=Ia+β(1α)Dγf, it is obvious that C1γγ[J,X]C1γα,β[J,X].

Now, we state some known results related to our work.

Lemma 2.1

(See [5]). Let β>0 and α>0. Then

Lemma 2.2

(See [5]). If α>0 and β>0, and fL1(J) for t[a,b], then the following properties hold:


In particular, if fCγ[J,X] or fC[J,X], then the above properties hold for each t(a,b] or t[a,b] respectively.

Lemma 2.3

(See [5]). If 0<α<1, 0γ<1 and that fCγ[J,X], Ia+1αfCγ1[J,X], then

Lemma 2.4

(See [6]). If 0γ<1 and fCγ[J,X], then

Lemma 2.5

(See [6]). Let α>0, β>0 and γ=α+βαβ. If fC1γγ[J,X], then

Lemma 2.6

(See [6]). Let fL1(J) and Da+β(1α)fL1(J) exists, then

Lemma 2.7

(Theorem 23, [6]). Let f:J× be a function such that fC1γ[J,] for any yC1γ[J,]. Then yC1γγ[J,] is a solution of the initial value problem:

if and only if y satisfies the following Volterra integral equation:

Next we obtain the integral solution of the problem (1.1) by using Lemma 2.7.

Lemma 2.8.

Let f:J×X×XX be a function such that fC1γ[J,X] for any yC1γ[J,X]. Then yC1γγ[J,X] is a solution of the problem (1.1) if and only if y satisfies the following integral equation


Proof. In view of Lemma 2.7, the solution of (1.1) can be written as


Applying Ia+1γ on both sides of (2.2) and taking the limit tb, we obtain

In a similar manner, we find that

Submitting (2.4) into (2.2), we obtain


Conversely, applying Ia+1γ on both sides of (2.1) and using Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2, we get


Next, taking the limit ta+ of (2.5) and using Lemma 2.4, with 1γ<1β(1α), we obtain


Now, taking the limit tb of (2.5), we get


From (2.6) and (2.7), we find that

which shows that the boundary condition Ia+1γ[uy(a+)+vy(b)]=w is satisfied.

Next, applying Da+γ on both sides of (2.1) and using Lemmas 2.1 and 2.5, we have


Since yC1γγ[J,X] and by definition of C1γγ[J,X], we have Da+γyC1γ[J,X], therefore, Da+β(1α)f=DIa+1β(1α)fC1γ[J,X]. For fC1γ[J,X], it is clear that Ia+1β(1α)fC1γ[J,X]. Hence f and Ia+1β(1α)f satisfy the hypothesis of Lemma 2.3.

Now, applying Ia+β(1α) on both sides of (2.8), and using Lemma 2.3, we get


By Lemma 2.4, we have Ia+1β(1α)f(a,y(a),(Sy)(a))=0. Therefore, we have Da+α,βy(t)=f(t,y(t),(Sy)(t)). This completes the proof. □

Next, we recall definition of noncompactness measure of Hausdorff Ψ() on each bounded subset Ω of Banach space X defined by

Lemma 2.9

([3]). For all nonempty subsets A,BX, the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness Ψ() satisfies the following properties:

  • (1)A is precompact if and only if Ψ(A)=0;

  • (2)Ψ(A)=Ψ(A¯)=Ψ(convA), where A¯ and convA denote the closure and convex hull of A respectively;

  • (3)Ψ(A)Ψ(B) when AB;

  • (4)Ψ(A+B)Ψ(A)+Ψ(B), where A+B={a+b;aA,bB};

  • (5)Ψ(AB)max{Ψ(A),Ψ(B)};

  • (6)Ψ(λA)=|λ|Ψ(A) for any λ;

  • (7)Ψ({x}A)Ψ(A) for any xX.

Lemma 2.10

([3]). If BC([a,b],X) is bounded and equicontinuous, then Ψ(B(t)) is continuous for t[a,b] and Ψ(B)=sup{Ψ(B(t)),t[a,b]}, where B(t)={x(t);xB}X.

Lemma 2.11

([16]). If {un}n=1 is a sequence of Bochner integrable functions from J into X withun(t)μ(t) for almost all tJ and every n1, where μL1(J,R), then the function Ψ(t)=Ψ({un(t):n1}) belongs to L1(J,R) with


In order to prove the existence of solutions for our problem with lesser number of constraints, we will introduce another type of measure of noncompactness as follows.

Let Φ denote the measure of noncompactness in the Banach space C[J,X] defined by

for all bounded subsets Ω of C[J,X], where Δ(Ω) is the set of countable subsets of Ω, δ is the real measure of noncompactness given by
with E(t)={x(t):xE},tJ, L is a suitably chosen constant and modc(E) is the modulus of equicontinuity of the function set E defined as

Observe that Φ is well defined [9] (i.e., E0Δ(Ω) which attends the maximum in (2.9)) and is nonsingular, monotone and regular measure of noncompactness.

Lemma 2.12

(Mönch fixed point theorem, [15]). Let D be a closed convex subset of a Banach space X with 0D. Suppose that F:DX is a continuous map satisfying the Mönch’s condition (if MD is countable and Mconv({0}F(M)), then M¯ is compact), then F has a fixed point in D.

3. Existence of solutions

Let us begin this section by introducing the hypotheses needed to prove the existence of solutions for the problem at hand.


The function f:J×X×XX satisfies (i) f(·,x,y):JX is measurable for all x,yX and (ii) f(t,·,·):X×XX is continuous for a.e tJ.


There exists a constant N>0 such that

for each tJ and all yX.

There exist constants m1,m2>0 such that

for bounded sets x,yX, a.e tJ.

Now, we are ready to present the existence result for the problem (1.1), which is based on Mönch fixed point theorem.

Theorem 3.1.

Suppose that f:J×X×XX is such that f(·,y(·),Sy(·))C1γβ(1α)[J,X] for any yC1γ[J,X] and satisfies the hypotheses (H1)-(H3). Then the Hilfer problem (1.1) has at least one solution in C1γγ[J,X]C1γα,β[J,X], provided that


Proof. Introduce the operator Q:C1γ[J,X]C1γ[J,X] defined by


Notice that the solutions of problem (1.1) are the fixed points of the operator Q. Define a bounded closed convex set Br:={yC1γ[J,X]:yC1γr,tJ} with rω1-ϱ(ϱ<1) and


In order to satisfy the hypotheses of the Mönch fixed point theorem, we split the proof into four steps.

  • Step 1. The operator Q maps the set Br into itself.

By the assumption (H2), we have

where we used the fact

In consequence, we get QyC1γω+ϱrr, that is, QBrBr. Thus Q:BrBr.

  • Step 2. The operator Q is continuous.

Suppose that {yn} is a sequence such that yny in Br as n. Since f satisfies (H1), for each tJ, we get


By (H1) and using the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we have

which implies that the operator Q is continuous on Br.
  • Step 3. The operator Q is equicontinuous.

For any a<t1<t2<b and yBr, we get

which tends to zero as t2t1, independent of yBr. Thus we conclude that Q(Br) is equicontinuous, that is, modc(Q(Br))=0.
  • Step 4. The Mönch condition is satisfied.

Suppose that DBr is a countable set and Dconv({0}Q(D)). In order to show that D is precompact, it is enough to obtain that Φ(D)=(0,0). Since Φ(Q(D)) is maximum, let {xn}n=1Q(D) be a countable set attaining its maximum. Then, there exists a set {yn}n=1D such that xn=(Qyn)(t) for all tJ,n1.

Now, using (H3) together with Lemmas 2.9–2.11, we obtain




Fixing a suitable constant 0<L<1 given by

we get δ({xn}n=1)Lδ({yn}n=1). Thus
which implies that δ({yn}n=1)=0 and hence δ({xn}n=1)=0.

Now, according to the Step 3, we have found an equicontinuous set {xn}n=1 on J. Hence Φ(D)Φ(conv({0}Q(D)))Φ(Q(D)), where Φ(Q(D))=Φ({xn}n=1)=(0,0). Therefore, D is precompact. Hence, by Lemma 2.12, there is a fixed point y of operator Q, which is a solution of the problem (1.1) in C1γ[J,X].

Next, we show that such a solution is indeed in C1γγ[J,X]. By applying Da+γ on both sides of (2.1), we get


Since f(t,y(t),(Sy)(t))C1γβ(1α)[J,X], it follows by definition of the space C1γβ(1α)[J,X] that Da+γy(t)C1γ[J,X], which implies that yC1γγ[J,X]. □

4. ϵApproximate solution

Definition 4.1.

A function zC1γγ[J,X] satisfying the Hilfer fractional integrodifferential inequality

is called an ϵapproximate solutions of Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equation (1.1).
Lemma 4.1

(See [22]). For β>0, let v(t) be a nonnegative function locally integrable on 0<t<T (some T+) and g(t) be a nonnegative, nondecreasing continuous function defined on 0<t<T with g(t)M (constant) and u(t) be a nonnegative and locally integrable function on 0<t<T such that



Theorem 4.1.

Suppose that the function f:J×X×XX satisfies the condition:

for each tJ and all y1,y2,x1,x2X, where n1,n2>0 are constants. Let ziC1γγ[J,X],i=1,2, be an ϵapproximate solution of the following Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equation



Proof. Let ziC1γγ[J,X],(i=1,2) be an ϵapproximate solution of problem (4.1). Then Ia+1γ[uzi(a+)+vzi(b)]=wi¯ and


Applying Ia+α on both sides of the above inequality and using Lemma 2.3, we get

which implies that

Using |x||y||xy||x|+|y| in the above inequality yields

In consequence, we have

Using Lemma 4.1 with u(t)=(z1(t)z2(t)), g(t)=(n1+ζn2)Γ(α) and v(t)=(ϵ1+ϵ2)Γ(α+1)(ta)α+|w1¯w2¯||u+v|(ta)γ1Γ(γ)+|v||u+v|(ta)γ1Γ(γ)(n1+ζn2)Γ(αγ+1)(ba)αB(γ,αγ+1)z1z2C1γ, we get


Hence, for each tJ, we have



which, together with (4.3), yields
Remark 4.1.

If ϵ1=ϵ2=0 in the inequality (4.4), then z1,z2 are solutions of the problem (1.1) in the space C1γγ[J,X] and the inequality (4.5) takes the form

which provides the information with respect to continuous dependence on the solution of the problem (1.1). In addition, if w1¯=w2¯ we get z1z2C1γ=0, which proves the uniqueness of solutions of the system (1.1).
Remark 4.2.

One can note that our results for the Hilfer fractional integrodifferential equation (1.1) correspond to initial boundary value problem for u=1,v=0, terminal boundary value problem for u=0,v=1 and anti-periodic problem for u=1,v=1,w=0.

Remark 4.3.

If β=1, then Eq. (1.1) reduces to the Caputo fractional integrodifferential equation with boundary conditions as in [12].


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Corresponding author

Sabri T.M. Thabet can be contacted at: th.sabri@yahoo.com

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