This paper is concerned with the existence of mild solutions for a class of fractional semilinear integro-differential equations having non-instantaneous impulses. The result is obtained by using noncompact semigroup theory and fixed point theorem. The obtained result is illustrated by an example at the end.
Meraj, A. and Pandey, D.N. (2020), "Existence of mild solutions for fractional non-instantaneous impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 3-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajmsc.2018.11.002
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019, Arshi Meraj and Dwijendra N. Pandey
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
The objective of this paper is to study the existence of mild solutions to the following abstract integro-differential equations of fractional order with non-instantaneous impulses and nonlocal conditions in a Banach space
In the past decades, many researchers paid attention to study the differential equations with instantaneous impulses, which have been used to describe abrupt changes such as shocks, harvesting and natural disasters. Particularly, the theory of instantaneous impulsive equations have wide applications in control, mechanics, electrical engineering, biological and medical fields. For more details on the differential equations with instantaneous impulses one may see [2,4,7,14,15].
It seems that models with instantaneous impulses could not explain the certain dynamics of evolution process in pharmacotherapy. For example, one considers the hemodynamic equilibrium of a person, the introduction of the drugs in bloodstream and the consequent absorption for the body are gradual and continuous process. Hernández and O’Regan [12] and Pierri et al. [18], initially studied Cauchy problems for first order evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses. The recent results for evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses can be found in [1,8,13,19–21] and the references therein.
The nonlocal problem was motivated by physical problems. Indeed it is demonstrated that the nonlocal problems have better effects in applications than the classical Cauchy problems. For example it is used to represent mathematical models for evolution of various phenomena such as nonlocal neutral networks, nonlocal pharmacokinetics, nonlocal pollution and nonlocal combustion (see [16]). The existence results to evolution equations with nonlocal conditions in Banach space were first studied by Byszewski [6]. Deng [9] used the nonlocal condition to describe the diffusion phenomenon of a small amount of gas in a transparent tube.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no work yet reported on fractional non-instantaneous impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions (1.1) when the corresponding semigroup
2. Preliminaries
([10]). If
([22]). The operators
For any fixed
, and are strongly continuous.For any fixed
, and are linear bounded operators, moreover for any ,If
is an equicontinuous semigroup, then and are continuous for by the operator norm, which means that for , we have
([13]). A function
Now, we recall some properties of measure of noncompactness which are useful to prove our main result. For the details about measure of noncompactness, one may see [3,11]. Let
([3]). Let
([11]). If
([5]). Let
([3]). Let
([8]). Let
([8]). Let
3. Main result and example
In this section, we will discuss the existence of mild solutions for the system (1.1), then we will present an example to illustrate our proved result. Let us introduce the required assumptions which are needed to prove our main result:
For each
There exist a continuous nondecreasing function
There exist positive constants
Let us denote:
Assume that the semigroup
Define the operator
It is easy to see that
Now, we divide the proof into the following steps:
We prove that there exists a constant
If this is not true, then for each
Combining (3.7)–(3.9) with the fact
Dividing both sides of (3.10) by
We prove that the operator
From (3.12)–(3.14), we obtain
In this step, we prove that
So, we can conclude that
Now, we show
For any
Now, we only need to check that
As a result,
We show that
For any bounded set
For every
Meanwhile, we have
From (3.21) and (3.25), we obtain
From (3.15) and Lemma 2.8, we know that for any bounded set
Therefore, by (3.26) and (3.27), we obtain
Now combining (3.28) with (3.2) and Definition 2.9, we get that
Next, we present an example to illustrate our main result.
Consider the following fractional partial differential system with non-instantaneous impulses and nonlocal conditions:
Therefore, Theorem 3.1 is applicable, so the system (3.29) has at least one
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The authors would like to express thanks to the editor and referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and valuable comments. The work of first author is supported by the “Ministry of Human Resource Development, India under Grant Number: MHR-01-23-200-428”. The publisher wishes to inform readers that the article “Existence of mild solutions for fractional non-instantaneous impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions” was originally published by the previous publisher of the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences and the pagination of this article has been subsequently changed. There has been no change to the content of the article. This change was necessary for the journal to transition from the previous publisher to the new one. The publisher sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused. To access and cite this article, please use Meraj, A., Pandey, D.N. (2018), “Existence of mild solutions for fractional non-instantaneous impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions”, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 1/2, pp. 3-13. The original publication date for this paper was 27/11/2018.